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篇名 試論《楞嚴經》耳根圓通法門──以聖嚴法師的講要為主
卷期 2
並列篇名 An Initial Inquiry Into the “Perfect Penetration Method of the Faculty of Ears” in the Śūra gama Sūtra : Focusing on the Writings of Master Sheng Yen
作者 釋果鏡
頁次 361-401
關鍵字 聖嚴法師《楞嚴經》耳根圓通觀音觀世音Sheng YenŚūra gama Sūtraperfect penetration method of the faculty of ears GuanyinAvalokiteśvara Bodhisattva
出刊日期 201107




This paper examines Master Sheng Yen’s work, Wondrous Wisdom of Avalokiteśvara (Guanyin miaozhi ), focusing specifically on his understanding of the essential thought of the“perfect penetration method of the faculty of ears” (ergen yuantong ) section of the Śūra gama Sūtra . The structure of my examination is eightfold: 1) Introduction; 2) Showing how this method of contemplation and Guanyin devotion formed the core of Master Sheng Yen’s own practice by examining his youthful years; 3) Discussion of the apocryphal nature of the Śūra gama Sūtra and Master Sheng Yen’s position on this matter; 4) Providing an etymological analysis of “perfect penetration method of the faculty of ears”(ergen yuantong ) and an in-depth analysis of four distinct characteristics of this contemplation method; 5) Discussing the transmitter and practitioners of this method and the doctrinal position and structure of this method in the Śūra gama Sūtra ; 6) Exploring the essence of the practice of perfect penetration through the ear faculty that one can cultivate and actualize; 7) Organizing all applications of this practice made by ancestral masters and Master Sheng Yen; 8) Conclusion. This paper reveals not only a complete picture of the “perfect penetration method of the faculty of ears,” it also provides an overview of Master Sheng Yen’s insights into the method’s contents, theories, devotional dimensions, and stages of actualization.
