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篇名 加熱與發酵處理對殘留動物用藥降解之影響
卷期 46增刊
並列篇名 Effect of heating and fermentation treat on the degradation of residual veterinary drugs
作者 宋嘉霖楊江益林榮信林美峰王榮生王建培黃士哲
頁次 080-080
關鍵字 雞蛋動物用藥降解EggVeterinary drugsDegradation
出刊日期 201712


本試驗分別利用加熱與 Effective Microorganisms(EM 菌)發酵的方式,探討其對雞蛋中殘留 的10 種動物用藥降解之影響。試驗一為將雞蛋裝入耐熱塑膠管中以 100°C 水浴加熱 40 分 鐘,每處理三重複,結果顯示加熱處理能夠有效地降低雞蛋中 Doxycycline、Oxytetracycline、 Nicarbazin、Robenidine hydrochloride 與 Amoxicillin 的殘留。試驗二為添加 EM 菌並利用糖 蜜與雞蛋混合調整碳氮比後發酵 14 天,每處理組三重複,結果顯示發酵處理能有效地降低 Sulfamonomethoxine 的含量。然而,利用加熱與發酵方法雖可降低Maduramicin、Amprolium、 Trimethoprim 與 Lasalocid 等藥物的殘留,但效果較不顯著。綜合以上結果可知,利用熱處理 與發酵的方式能夠有效的減少雞蛋中大部分動物用藥的殘留量,進而降低對環境的影響,並可 將具藥物殘留的動物性產品提供其將來再利用的可行性。


This study was conducted to investigate the effect of heating and fermentation by using effective microorganisms (EM) on the degradation of residual veterinary drugs. Raw egg samples were placed into the heat-resistant plastic tube, immersed in boiling water and cooked for 40 min, per the treatment was triplicate. This way could effectively reduce the residues of Doxycycline, Oxytetracycline, Nicarbazin, Robenidine hydrochloride and Amoxicillin in the egg. The EM fermented treatment was used molasses and eggs to adjust the C/N ratio and treated for 14 days, it could effectively reduce the content of Sulfamonomethoxine. However, both of heating and fermentation couldn’t effectively reduce the residues of Maduramicin, Amprolium, Trimethoprim and Lasalocid. According to above all the results, the heat and fermentation treatment can effectively reduce parts of veterinary drugs in the egg, thereby reducing the impact on the environment, and drug residues with animal products to provide the feasibility of its re-use.

