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篇名 高畜黑豬與杜洛克雜交之屠體與肉質性狀探討
卷期 46增刊
並列篇名 Studies on carcass characteristics and meat quality of Duroc x KHAPS black pigs crossbred
作者 王漢昇李秀蘭黃憲榮許晉賓王治華張伸彰林正鏞
頁次 081-081
關鍵字 雜交豬杜洛克高畜黑豬Crossbred pigsDurocKHAPS black pigs
出刊日期 201712


高畜黑豬自命名完成後即進行品種之推廣,其發揮該品種之優良繁殖效能,然經業界反應高畜黑豬之屠 體脂肪率高、瘦肉率低及腰眼面積小等問題,因此,本研究以杜洛克(D)與高畜黑豬(K)進行雜交, 收集及分析屠體性狀資料收集 DK (D♀ x K♂ )與 KD(K♀ x D♂ )閹公豬與女豬屠體及官能評品 資料,包括屠宰率、三點背脂厚度、瘦肉率、脂肪率、骨頭率、肉色、大理石紋、緊實度、里肌肉脂肪 含量與粗蛋白質含量、香氣、風味、多汁性、嫩度等。試驗結果顯示,DK 與 KD 在各項性狀無差異 (P > 0.05)。女豬之瘦肉率與骨頭率顯著較閹公豬者高(P < 0.05),然閹公豬之脂肪率、里肌肉脂肪含 量、多汁性及嫩度則顯著較女豬高(P < 0.05)。KD 女豬之瘦肉率、骨頭率及里肌肉粗蛋白質含量為最 高(P < 0.05)。DK 閹公豬之脂肪率、里肌肉脂肪含量、多汁性及嫩度為最高(P < 0.05)。藉由分析高 畜黑豬與杜洛克雜交之閹公豬與女豬之屠體與肉質性狀表現,可發現交互雜交種間之屠體及肉質性狀無 顯著影響,而性別影響則較大。


After Kaohsiung Animal Propagation Station black pigs (KHAPS black pigs) were approved certification of new breed, we will promote as a well prolific maternal line. However, they still had some questions such as higher fat percentage, lower lean percentage and loin eye area, etc. Therefore, we tried to improve the weakness by crossbred between Duroc (D) and KHAPS black pigs (K). This study was conducted to analyze and collect the carcass characteristics and meat quality data, including dressing percentage, backfat thickness, lean percentage, fat percentage, bone percentage, meat color, marbling score, firmness, fat content and crude protein content in loin, odor, flavor, juiciness and tenderness of two crossbred strategies (DK (D♀ x K♂ ) and KD (K♀ x D♂ )) and sexes. The results showed that all traits were not significantly different between DK and KD (P > 0.05). The lean percentage and bone percentage in gilt had a significant higher than barrow (P < 0.05). The fat percentage, fat content in loin juiciness and tenderness in barrows had a significant higher than gilts (P < 0.05). The lean percentage, bone percentage and crude protein content in loin in KD gilt had a significant highest than those of among groups (P < 0.05). The fat percentage, fat content in loin, juiciness and tenderness in DK barrow had a significant highest than those of among groups (P < 0.05). In conclusion, the studies imply that the carcass characteristics and meat quality had not different in Duroc x KHAPS black pigs crossbred. Then, the sex was the main influence factor on those characteristics.

