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篇名 BTS 稀釋液添加抗氧化物質對公豬精子品質之影響
卷期 46增刊
並列篇名 Effects of antioxidant substances in BTS extender on boar sperm quality
作者 薛宇珺張加妙林宜萱陶姵延吳怡瑩陳銘正
頁次 085-085
關鍵字 抗氧化物公豬精液活動力AntioxidantsBoar semenMotility
出刊日期 201712


本試驗之目的乃探討抗氧化劑—第三丁氫醌(tert-Butylhydroquinone, TBHQ)、表沒食子 兒茶素沒食子酸酯(Epigallocatechin gallate, EGCG)與α- 硫辛酸(α-Lipoic acid, α-LA) 添加於公豬稀釋精液之可行性。新鮮公豬精液先以 BTS 稀釋,將精子濃度調整為 6 ×107 精子/mL,再添加不同濃度之抗氧化劑,分別為:0、25、50、100、200、400 μM 之 EGCG 或α-LA,及 0、20、40、60、80、100 μM 之 TBHQ,添加後置於室溫 1 小時,檢測 精子之活動力與存活率,之後於 17℃ 保存 3 日,檢測精子活動力與存活率之變化。試 驗結果顯示,BTS 稀釋精液各別添加各種濃度之 EGCG、α-LA 與 TBHQ 三種抗氧化 劑,經過 3 日之 17℃ 保存,並不影響精子之存活率;但添加 100 μM 以上之 EGCG 或 80 μM 以上之 TBHQ,均顯著降低室溫保存 1 小時稀釋精液之精子活動力,且所有添加 各種濃度之 EGCG 或 TBHQ 者,皆顯著降低保存三日之精子活動力;只有添加α-LA 不影響精子之活動力。綜上所述,EGCG 及 TBHQ 不適合添加於公豬稀釋精液中,而 α-LA 之適當添加劑量仍需進一步被確認。


The object of this experiment was to evaluate the feasibility of antioxidant substances including tert-Butylhydroquinone (TBHQ), epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) and α-lipoic acid (α-LA) supplemented in BTS extended boar semen. First, the fresh boar semen was diluted with BTS extender to the concentration of 6×107 sperm/ml. The extended semen was supplemented with TBHQ (0, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100 μM), EGCG or α-LA (0, 25, 50, 100, 200, 400 μM) and placed at room temperature for one hour to test the sperm motility and viability. After stored at 17℃ for 3 days, the sperm motility and viability were evaluated again. The results showed that all of the concentration of EGCG, α-LA and TBHQ in BTS extended boar semen did not affect sperm viability when semen preserved at 17℃ for 3 days. However, the sperm motility was significantly decreased when semen had been supplemented with more than 100 μM EGCG or more than 80 μM TBHQ at room temperature for 1 hour. Moreover, all of the concentration of EGCG or TBHQ in stored 3 days semen significantly decreased the sperm motility. Only α-LA didn’t affect the sperm motility in BTS extended semen. In conclusion, EGCG and TBHQ were not suitable for boar extended semen, and the concentration of α-LA added in semen need to be clarified.

