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篇名 腦下垂體轉錄因子基因在肉用山羊之基因型與基因頻率
卷期 46增刊
並列篇名 Genotype and gene frequency of pituitary transcription factor(POU1f1) gene in meat goats
作者 潘昭治陳慧婷周宜靜鄭閔謙
頁次 086-086
關鍵字 肉用山羊基因型腦下垂體轉錄因子基因GenotypeMeat goatsPOU1f1 gene
出刊日期 201712


腦下垂體轉錄因子(Pituitary Transcription Factor, POU1f1)基因已知在哺乳動物的生長激 素、泌乳素和促甲狀腺激素β 具有正向調節作用。山羊帶有 D1D1 基因型在 1 歲齡的體 重較 D1D2 基因型有顯著較重的表現,且不同的山羊品種顯著影響該基因的基因型和基因 頻率。本試驗分別採集 32 頭波爾山羊、19 頭墾丁山羊與 13 頭努比亞山羊血液樣本, 萃取其 DNA 並進行 PCR 檢測。結果顯示,在波爾山羊基因型 D1D1、D1D2 與 D2D2 頻 率分別為 0.53、0.22 與 0.25,基因頻率 D1 與 D2 分別為 0.641、0.359。在墾丁山羊與 努比亞山羊的基因型均為 D1D1,頻率 1.000,基因頻率 D1 與 D2 分別為 1.000、0.000。 在波爾山羊發現 D1 基因頻率 0.641,未來現場育種可應用該基因結果進行篩選,藉以提 高該群 D1 對偶基因頻率。而墾丁山羊因來自不同的品種配種,已存在遺傳改良效果;且 場內的努比亞山羊經長期育種選拔,皆已具有高頻率的 D1 對偶基因。


The Pituitary Transcription Factor (POU1f1) gene has a positive regulatory effect on growth hormone, prolactin and thyroid stimulating hormone β in mammals. The goat with genotype D1D1 had a significant statistical results in one-year-old weight compared with genotype D1D2. The different goat breeds significantly affected the genotypic and gene frequency. In this study, blood samples of Boer goats (N = 32), Ken ting goats (N = 19) and Nubian goats (N = 13) were collected. The goat DNA were extracted and detected by PCR. The results showed that the genotypic frequencies D1D1, D1D2, D2D2 were 0.53, 0.22, 0.25, and the gene frequencies D1, D2 were 0.641, 0.359 in Boer goats. The frequency of genotype in Ken ting goats and Nubian goats D1D1 were 1.000 and the gene frequencies D1, D2 were 1.000, 0.000. The results will help application of gene selection in the Boer goats on the field in the future. Due to different varieties of breeding in Ken ting goats, there have genetic improvement effect. Nubian goats in the field have been selected by long-term breeding and have high D1 gene frequency.

