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篇名 乳房炎對泌乳牛瘤胃微生物相之影響
卷期 46增刊
並列篇名 Evaluation of influence of ruminal microbiota on lactating cows under mastitis
作者 凃博文何尚哲許佳憲莊士德陳明汝
頁次 089-089
關鍵字 乳房炎微生物相瘤胃液MastitisMicrobiotaRuminal fluid
出刊日期 201712


本研究目的為探討荷蘭牛於健康泌乳及乳房炎狀態下之瘤胃微生物相差異。試驗中利 用加里福尼亞乳房炎試驗(CMT)、生乳體細胞計數及血液中細胞激素(IL-6, TNF-α) 濃度篩選出乳房炎病牛組別與健康牛組別。為比較上述兩組瘤胃微生物相之差異,本 研究應用次世代基因定序(NGS)針對乳牛瘤胃液 DNA 中細菌與古菌之 16S 核醣 體核醣核酸(16S ribosomal RNA)及原蟲之 18S 核醣體核醣核酸(18S ribosomal RNA) 等基因進行定序並分析微生物相組成。結果顯示,健康泌乳牛瘤胃菌相中最優勢之菌 門分別為擬桿菌門與厚壁菌門。後續研究將進一步確認瘤胃微生物相與乳房炎之關聯 性並供科學性佐證,以作為未來處理牛隻乳房炎之參考依據。


The purpose of this study was to determine microbial composition of ruminal fluids from healthy and mastitis cows. Accordingly, healthy and mastitis groups were screened by California mastitis test, somatic cell count assay and serum cytokine levels (IL-6, TNF-α). Subsequently, compositions of ruminal microbiota were determined using next generation sequencing technology, which included bacteria, archaea and protozoal via DNA sequence of 16S and 18S ribosomal RNA. The results revealed that the most prevalent phyla of the ruminal microbiota in healthy lactating cows were Firmicutes and Bacteroidetes. By understanding the connection between microbiota and mastitis, it could potentially reduce prevalence in mastitis by manipulating the core microbiome.

