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篇名 不同時間窗調整孵化溫度對紅羽土雞性別分化之影響
卷期 46增刊
並列篇名 Effect of thermal regulation at different time windows during incubation of red feathered Taiwan country chicken on sex differentiation
作者 郭少驊陳孟賢張斐涵王淑音
頁次 091-091
關鍵字 紅羽土雞轉性溫度Red feathered Taiwan Country ChickensSex reversalTemperature
出刊日期 201712


本試驗旨在討論不同時間窗調整孵化溫度及濕度對於紅羽土雞性別分化之影響,以評 估其應用於改善種蛋孵化場之出雛性別比例。348 顆種蛋分為 4 組,每組各入孵 87 顆;控制組全程以正常溫溼度(100˚F / RH:58%,第 19 日改為 98 ˚F / RH:60 %)孵化;試驗組則分別於孵化 1~3 日(E13)、2~4 日(E24)、3~5 日(E35)調整 溫濕度(102˚F / RH:54%)進行孵化試驗。於孵化後計算孵化率,並判斷雛雞之基 因型性別與表現型性別。自心臟採血並萃取 DNA 以分析基因型性別,另解剖觀察性 腺以決定其表現型性別,比對基因型與表現型以決定是否有轉性之個體。另於胚胎發 育期間分析 DMRT1 基因之表現。結果顯示,E35 之孵化率與控制組無異,然 E13 及 E24 組孵化率則較差。此外轉性率方面僅 E35 有較高的母轉公轉性率(7.4%),其餘 各組轉性率皆低於 5%。無關調溫之時間窗,DMRT1 於 E3 開始表現,E4 以後迅速 下降,尤其以雄胚為明顯。E6-E7 已完全偵測不到其表現。雌禽雖在 E3-E5 亦有表 現,但表現量遠低於雄性。綜言之,紅羽土雞於孵化第 3~5 日調整孵化溫度及濕度, 可以有較佳的轉性率及孵化率,而 DMRT1 基因表現與第 3 日快速表現後即迅速下 降,證實孵化第 3 日為性別分化最關鍵之時間點。


The purpose of this study was to optimize the condition for incubation in order to obtain higher male ratio of the red feathered Taiwan Country chickens. 348 fertilized eggs were separated into four groups: control, E13, E24 and E25. The incubation from E1-E19 was at 100˚F/RH:58% and adjusted to 98 ˚F/RH:60% from E19-E21. During the thermal regulation time window, incubation was adjusted to 102˚F/RH:54%. Embryos at all time point were tested for sex reversal and the DMRT1 gene expression. Results showed that the best combination for thermal control and relative humidity is at the E3-E5 time window, and 54% relative humidity. DMRT gene expression was examined from E3-E6,and the highest expression was found in male embryo at E3, then dropped rapidly at E4-E5. In conclusion, DMRT expression at E3 is essential for male differentiation of red feathered Taiwan Country Chicken and the best timing for thermal manipulation is from E3 to E5.

