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篇名 肉豬大分切組成與屠體瘦肉量之相關
卷期 46增刊
並列篇名 The correlation between pork primal cut composition and carcass lean content
作者 陳宜箴林智郁游適銘王玟黃柏諺林巧昕吳季恩林榮信
頁次 092-092
關鍵字 屠體瘦肉重迴歸分析CarcassLean weightRegression analysis
出刊日期 201712


本試驗目的為探討肉豬大分切組成與屠體組成之相關分析及建立屠體瘦肉量預估 方程式。本試驗於商業屠宰場記錄 151 頭 LYD 三品種雜交肉豬屠體分切資料, 平均屠體重量為 95.97±7.00 kg 。取用左半邊屠體並將其分切為前段、中段與後段 部位,將每一大分切再分切成次分切,並切割成瘦肉、脂肪、骨頭和皮。收集切 割資料進行迴歸分析。結果顯示,後腿的瘦肉量與屠體的瘦肉率相關為 r=0.599(P < 0.01),利用前段瘦肉來預估屠體瘦肉量的決定係數為 R2=0.721(CV=3.85%), 中段瘦肉來預估屠體瘦肉量的決定係數 R2=0.854%(CV=3.17%),而後段瘦肉來 預估屠體瘦肉量的決定係數 R2=0.740%(CV=4.17%)。


The objective of this study is to investigate the correlation between pork primal cut composition and carcass composition and to develop the prediction equation of carcass lean. There are 151 LYD crossbred hog carcasses were dissected in a commercial packer plant. The average carcass weight was 95.97±7.00 kg. The left side of the carcass was separated into front, middle and hind part. Each primal cut was separated into sub-primal cuts and then dissected into lean, fat, bone and skin. The data from carcass dissection were used for regression analysis to develop prediction equation of carcass lean. The results showed that the ham lean weight was related to carcass lean percentage with an r=0.599 (P < 0.01). The utilization of dissected lean weight from the front, middle and hind part to serve as predictor of carcass lean weight had R2=0.721(CV=3.85%), 0.854(CV=3.17%) and 0.740(CV= 4.17%), respectively.

