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篇名 骨質疏鬆症蘭嶼豬血清中骨質疏鬆症相關指標分析
卷期 46增刊
並列篇名 The analysis of osteoporosis related serum markers in osteoporosis Lanyu pigs
作者 廖御靜楊鎮榮傅清梅林侑靜康定傑陳裕信曲鳳翔
頁次 093-093
關鍵字 蘭嶼豬低鈣飼糧血清Lanyu pigsLow calcium dietSerum
出刊日期 201712


本研究目的為建立小型豬骨質疏鬆症(osteoporosis)模式,並瞭解骨質疏鬆症誘導期間內血液 中骨質疏鬆症相關指標之變化。試驗係將蘭嶼豬分為 4 組,分別為控制組(C):不去卵巢 + 1%鈣飼糧;處理組 1(T1):去卵巢 + 1%鈣飼糧;處理組 2(T2):去卵巢 + 0.5%鈣飼糧; 處理組 3(T3):去卵巢 + 0.5%鈣飼糧 + 1 mg/kg 去氫皮甾醇(prenisolone)。試驗期為 12 個 月,每個月自頸靜脈採血取得血清,再經免疫磁珠抗體偵測血清中的 Dickkopf1(DKK1)、瘦 脂素(leptin)、介白素-6(interleukin-6)、介白素-1B(interleukin-1B)與纖維母細胞生長因子 23(fibroblast growth factor 23)等濃度。結果顯示,T1 與 T2 組的 DKK1 濃度於試驗第 3 個 月時顯著增加,而 T3 組的DKK1 濃度則顯著下降。於第6 個月時,T3 組的DKK1 濃度依然 顯著低於控制組(P < 0.05)。然而,隨後處理組的 DKK1 濃度於第 9 與第 12 個月時恢復 正常值。其餘指標於各組間皆屬正常性的波動,均無顯著差異。本研究之小型豬骨質疏鬆症誘 導期間血液中骨質疏鬆症相關指標之變化結果,可供未來生醫研究參考用。


The purpose of this study was to establish the osteoporosis model in Lanyu pigs, and realized the levels of osteoporosis related serum markers during osteoporosis induction period. Lanyu pigs were divided into four groups: Control (C): ovary retained + 1% calcium diet; Treatment 1 (T1): ovariectomy + 1% calcium diet; Treatment 2 (T2): ovariectomy + 0.5% calcium; Treatment 3 (T3): ovariectomy + 0.5% calcium + 1 mg/kg prenisolone. The osteoporosis induction period was 12 months, and serum was collected from jugular vein monthly. The levels of Dickkopf1 (DKK1), leptin, interleukin-6, interleukin-1B, and fibroblast growth factor 23 were detected by magnetic bead-based antibodies. The results showed that the levels of DKK1 in T1 and T2 group were significantly increased after 3 month of osteoporosis induction, but that in T3 was significantly reduced (P < 0.05). Six month after osteoporosis induction, the level of DDK1 in T3 group was still significantly lower than that in control group. However, the level was returned to basal level after 9 and 12 month of osteoporosis induction. The levels in other markers were normal and showed no significance. The results of levels of osteoporosis related serum markers in osteoporosis Lanyu pigs can provide a reference on biomedical research in the future.

