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篇名 泌乳期飼料添加包膜半胱胺對熱季母豬繁殖性能之影響
卷期 46增刊
並列篇名 Effects of lactateng diet lactation supplemented with coated cysteamine on the reproductive performances of the sows under heat stre
作者 雷怡倩林傳順李德南
頁次 095-095
關鍵字 半胱胺繁殖性能母豬CysteamineReproductive performanceSow
出刊日期 201712


泌乳期母豬飼料採食量為熱緊迫期間限制繁殖性能之重要因素,半胱胺具有改善採食之功能, 故本試驗旨在探討泌乳期飼料添加半胱胺對熱季母豬繁殖性能與其仔豬生長性能之影響。試驗 選擇80頭純種藍瑞斯及雜交母豬,採隨機完全區集設計(RCBD)分配成4批次進行,每批次 逢機依母豬胎別(初產與經產)依比例分至對照組及半胱胺組(70 mg/kg半胱胺),於分娩後 頭4日內經調整仔豬數後開始試驗,測定24天期間母豬飼料採食量、仔豬體重、母豬背脂厚度 (體況)變化及下產次母豬繁殖性能。結果顯示,飼料添加半胱胺提高經產母豬之飼料採食量 0.56 kg/日(P < 0.05),但不影響初產母豬之飼料採食量(P > 0.05)。飼料添加半胱胺可顯 著增加試驗第24天仔豬體重(P < 0.01),並減少經產母豬背脂厚度之損失及改善經產母豬之 體況評分(P < 0.05),添加半胱胺不影響母豬離乳至發情間距及下產次之活仔豬數(P > 0.05)。 綜合上述,飼料添加70 mg/kg半胱胺,可以提升夏季泌乳期經產母豬飼料採食量11.41 %,並 可改善泌乳期母豬體態評分及仔豬生長性能,故於熱緊迫下之泌乳母豬添加半胱胺具有改善母 豬繁殖性能之潛力。


The feed intake is important factor especially to limiting reproductive performances in lactating sow under heat stress. Cysteamine (CS) could improve the feed intake. The objectives of this study were to examine effects of dietary supplementation of CS on the reproductive performances in lactating sows under a heat stress environment. Growth performance of the piglets nursed by the sows was also examined. A total of 80 sows, purebred Landraces and crossbred ones, were allotted into four batches following a randomized complete block design (RCBD). Sows in each batch after litter size adjusted to equal number during the 0-4 d after farrowing were individually penned and grouped by parity order and were assigned into control and CS (70 CS mg/kg) treatments. Variables such as feed intake, backfat thickness and subsequent reproductive performance of the sows during lactation as well as weight gain of piglets supplied with fixed amount of creep feed during 24 d of suckling were measured. The results showed that CS induced 0.56 kg daily feed intake increase in multiparous sows (P < 0.05), but not in primiparous sows (P > 0.05). Furthermore, CS caused increased of live body weight of the piglets (P < 0.05) and promoted with less backfat lost (P < 0.05). Interval after weaning to estrus and born alive piglet numbers of subsequent parity in CS were not affected (P > 0.05). In summary, dietary supplementation of CS (70 mg/kg) enhanced 11.41% feed intake, improved the body condition scoring, and whose nursing piglets were also improved in growth performance. These evidences indicate that dietary supplementation of CS may be a beneficial way for nursing multiparous sows, to fight against heat stress.

