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篇名 國產燕麥作為反芻動物芻料來源之適用性評估
卷期 46增刊
並列篇名 The evaluation of domestic oats as ruminant forage source
作者 陳峻偉王翰聰黃永芬陳靜宜
頁次 096-096
關鍵字 體外消化率芻料燕麥ForageIn vitro digestibilityOat
出刊日期 201712


本試驗之目的在評估不同品種國產燕麥為國內芻料來源之適用性,試驗選用八個燕麥品系 (km、swan、26、30、33、39、43 及44),於臺灣北中南三個地區(臺北、彰化及屏東)進 行種植試驗,於進入糊熟期時收集各地區各品種之全株樣品進行營養成分分析,並配合體外 消化試驗評估各地區適合栽種利用之燕麥品系。先透過產量資料與成分近似分析結果,再依 據較低中洗纖維(neutral detergent fiber, NDF)及較高粗蛋白質(crude protein, CP)含量以選 出各地區合適使用的兩個品種。結果顯示,北部之燕麥樣品具有較高之 NDF 含量但是 CP 較低。北中南地區之 NDF% 範圍分別為 60-66%、57-62% 及 50-56%。在 CP% 部分,北 中南地區分別為 8-10%、9-11% 及 8-12%。依照設定需求,在北部地區選擇品系km(NDF = 60.74 %, CP = 10.99%)及43 (NDF = 64.17%, CP = 10.98%)、中部地區選擇品系 43(NDF = 59.18%, CP = 10.15%)及 44(NDF = 59.87%, CP = 11.13%)、南部地區選擇品系 33(NDF = 52.01 %, CP = 12.20%)及 43(NDF = 50.51%, CP = 10.22%)。以所選擇的燕麥品系進行 48 小 時體外消化率與產氣發酵試驗,消化率結果顯示,在北部地區,km 品系的消化率顯著高於 43 (72.85% vs. 69.09%)。但是中部地區的品系 43 與 44(65.18% vs. 64.42%)及南部地區的 33 與 43(69.93% vs. 69.83%)則在消化率上無顯著差異。由本試驗資料可了解,km 品系在北 部地區可能較適合進行後續栽培利用,而中部地區則是品系 43 或 44 均適合,屏東地區則 可考慮栽植 33 及 43 兩個品系供後續利用。


The purpose of the study was to evaluate the applicability of different strains domestic oat as source of forages for ruminant feeding. Eight strains of oat (km, swan, 26, 30, 33, 39, 43 and 44) were selected and cultivated in the north, center and south area of Taiwan (Taipei, Changhua and Pingtung). All oat samples were harvested in the dough-ripe stage and selected suitable strains for cultivating in each area by nutrient composition analysis and in vitro digestion test. According to yield and nutrient composition of oat strains, two suitable strains of oat with lower neutral detergent fiber (NDF)% and higher crude protein (CP)% were selected from each area. The composition assay result indicated that the oats cultivated in north area had higher NDF% but lower CP%. The NDF% range of oats in north, central and south areas were 60-66%, 57-62% and 50-56%, respectively. The CP% range of oats in north, central and south areas were 8-10%, 9-11% and 8-12%, respectively. According to the requirement, the strain km (NDF = 60.74%, CP = 10.99%) and the strain 43 (NDF = 64.17%, CP = 10.98%) were selected from north area. The strain 43 (NDF = 59.18%, CP = 10.15%) and the strain 44 (NDF = 59.87 %, CP = 11.13%) were selected from central area. The strain 33 (NDF = 52.01%, CP = 12.20%) and the strain 43 (NDF = 50.51 %, CP = 10.22%) were selected from north area. The result of 48 hr in vitro gas production and digestibility test indicated that the digestibility of strain km was higher than the strain 43 (72.85% vs. 69.09%). However, there showed no digestibility difference between the strain 43 and 44 (65.19% vs. 64.42%) in central area. It also showed no digestibility difference between the strain 33 and 43 (69.93% vs. 69.83%) in south area. It suggested that the strain km might be suitable for cultivating in the north area. The strain 43 or 44 and the strain 33 or 43 might be suitable for cultivating in the central and the southern area, respectively.

