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篇名 芽胞桿菌代謝物於豬赤痢螺旋體影響之研究
卷期 46增刊
並列篇名 Effect of Bacillus fermentative on Brachyspira hyodysenteriae bacteriocidal activity
作者 洪亦秉游玉祥鄭永祥
頁次 099-099
關鍵字 地衣芽胞桿菌赤痢螺旋體殺菌力Bacillus licheniformisBrachyspira hyodysenteriaeBacteriocidal activity
出刊日期 201712


本研究使用地衣芽胞桿菌作為固態發酵菌株,藉由改變發酵基質中的蛋白質含量以提高表面素 產量,以基質蛋白質含量自 10% 提高至 20%、30% 進行發酵,產製之代謝物表面素含量可 原 650 ppm 提高至 975 ppm。將發酵純化之表面素對赤痢螺旋體進行體外殺菌試驗,經過不 同濃度表面素處理後的菌液,分析其表面張力的改變、最小抑制濃度試驗與共軛焦顯微鏡觀察 其活菌與死菌的比例,再經掃描式電子顯微鏡直接以觀察形態上觀察改變。動物試驗,將以發 酵物於飼糧中對探討對產氣莢膜梭菌攻毒雞隻之影響。本研究結果顯示提高蛋白含量可以增加 基礎菌數與表面素含量,且在赤痢螺旋體的體外試驗可以顯著的降低表面張力破壞膜位壓力差, 最小抑制濃度與共軛焦顯微鏡分析顯示100 ppm可有效地殺滅赤痢螺旋體,掃描式電子顯微鏡 觀察形態時,於 5 ppm 開始菌體上即有細胞膜損傷穿孔出現,於 100 ppm 已無完整菌體型 態,發酵物於飼糧中可以顯著改善梭菌攻毒雞隻飼料轉換率,亦可改善腸道病變計分。


This study is try to using Bacillus licheniformis as a probiotic strain, and change fermentation substrates protein level to increase surfactin production. When protein levels was increased from 10 % to 20% or 30%. The metabolites, surfactin, concentration were increased from 650 ppm to 975 ppm, respectively. In vitro experiment was design to test bacteriocidal activity of surfactin on Brachyspira hyodysenteria ,different criteria including water surface tension, minimum inhibitory concentration, confocal microscope observation, and scaning electron microscope (SEM) for morphology alteration were evaluated. A challenge trial by Clostridium perfringens in chickens was also evaluated the efficacy of fermentative. Our results showed the number of bacteria and surfactin production will increased along with protein levels increased. Moreover, surfactin could decline the surface tension in dose dependent manner, Brachyspira hyodysenteriae cell membrane were significantly damaged. The minimum inhibitory concentration and confocal microscope analysis showed that 100 ppm is effective to kill Brachyspira hyodysenteriae. Cell membrane morphology eruption were observed at 5 ppm by SEM, and completely ruptured were found at 100 ppm. The fermentative contain surfactin could significantly improve the growth performance and intestinal lesion score in broilers when challenged by Clostridium perfringens.

