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篇名 益生菌用於提升運動表現之效果
卷期 46增刊
並列篇名 Effect of probiotic on promoting exercise performan
作者 陳奕棟陳明汝
頁次 103-103
關鍵字 抗氧化增進運動表現益生菌AntioxidantPerformance-improvingProbiotic
出刊日期 201712


因運動而引起的疲勞,可歸因於體內能量的損耗以及發生於肌肉上的細微傷害。除此之外, 氧化壓力亦是影響運動表現的重要因子。益生菌除能調節多種身體機能外,也具有調節體 內氧化壓力的能力,因此可能做為緩解運動疲勞的一種解決方案。根據先前的實驗,我們 自 29 株菌中挑選了包括Lactobacillus 與Leuconostoc 等兩個屬,共 11 株的菌株。藉 由與人類直腸細胞(Caco2)進行共培養,評估此 11 菌株之抗氧化能力對於腸道細胞的 生物可利用度。藉由觀察細胞內因 ROS 而引起的螢光量,我們發現Leuconostoc lactis 可 以減少因過氧化叔丁醇而引起的氧化壓力。同時,相較於其他菌種,L. lactis 對細胞的毒 性也顯著(P<0.05)較低。未來,將進行動物實驗進一步確認該菌在提升運動表現上的 能力。


The decline of exercise performance during prolonged exercise is resulted from energy depletion and microinjury of muscle. In addition, oxidative stress is also an important factor that influences exercise performance. Probiotic, which can regulate multiple body function as well as oxidative stress, is a possible solution to relieve the decline during exercising. From our preliminary experiment, we selected eleven strains including genus of Lactobacillus and Leuconostoc from previous 29 strains. By co-incubating each probiotic strain with human epithelial colorectal adenocarcinoma cell, Caco2, we evaluated the antioxidant bioavailbility of the eleven selected strains. According to the extent of ROS-induced fluorescence inside cells, we found that the strain of Leuconostoc lactis could reduce tert-butyl hydrogen peroxide-induced oxidative stress. This bacterial strain also showed significantly (P<0.05) lower cellular toxicity toward Caco2 cells when compared to other strains. In the future, the animal study will be conducted to further confirm its ability to promote exercise performance.

