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篇名 國產羊乳對腸道保健機能性成分及活性之研究
卷期 46增刊
並列篇名 Studies on functional compounds and bioactivities of local goat milk on intestinal health
作者 滕祖廷郭卿雲陳明汝
頁次 105-105
關鍵字 羊乳腸道黏膜完整性免疫調節作用Goat milkIntestinal integrityImmune-regulatory effect
出刊日期 201712


先前研究指出羊乳中所含的機能性成分具有抗過敏等免疫調節能力,並可促進腸 道上皮細胞的生長。因此,本研究以細胞試驗分析國產羊乳於體外環境誘導腸道 細胞修復之能力,評估羊乳及其不同成分之腸道保健機能性成分及活性之功效。 試驗結果發現,羊乳中的酪蛋白可有效提升腸胃道上皮細胞的跨膜上皮電阻值, 顯示該成分可能有增進腸胃道屏障功能的潛力。此外,在細胞趨化激素的試驗中, 羊奶酪蛋白亦可顯著刺激腸胃道上皮細胞趨化素 CCL-20 的產生,顯示該樣品成 分中可刺激免疫調節因子和發炎細胞因子的釋放。綜上所述,羊乳酪蛋白可能具 有提高腸道黏膜完整性以及調節免疫作用進而達到腸道保健功效之潛力。


Previous studies elucidated the immunoregulatory effects of goat milk, including anti-allergic effects and so on. Goat milk could also stimulate intestinal cell growth. Therefore, we aimed to further explore the wound healing effects of local goat milk in cell models, evaluating the intestinal functionality of goat milk and its various protein contents. The results revealed that the casein from goat milk could increase the transepithelial electrical resistance (TEER) value of Caco-2 epithelial monolayers, indicating that the functional substances might enhance the intestinal barrier. Furthermore, casein could also increase the production of chemokine CCL-20 of intestinal epithelial cell Caco-2, indicating that samples had the potential to stimulate expression of immune mediators and pro-inflammatory cytokines. In conclusion, casein might be the potential component in goat milk to ameliorate inflammatory bowel disease through enhancing intestinal integrity and regulate immune response.

