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篇名 自臺灣黏質發酵乳中篩選產生胞外多醣潛力乳酸菌
卷期 46增刊
並列篇名 Isolation of exopolysaccharide-producing lactic acid bacteria from Taiwanese ropy fermented milk
作者 張毓純陳明汝
頁次 106-106
關鍵字 胞外多醣乳酸菌臺灣傳統黏質發酵乳ExopolysaccharideLactic acid bacteriaTaiwanese ropy fermented mi
出刊日期 201712


臺灣黏質發酵乳(Taiwanese ropy fermented milk)為一質地十分黏稠,延展性其佳 之發酵乳,其質地與風味皆與北歐傳統發酵乳 viili 十分類似,故其又稱 Taiwanese viili。黏度來源為主要產黏菌Lactococcus lactis subsp. cremoris 在發酵過程中產生 胞外多醣稱為 viilian,使發酵乳帶有高度黏性。本實驗自本研究室保存之臺灣黏 質發酵乳中篩選出 40 個分離菌落,利用革蘭氏染色之結果去除革蘭氏陽性菌以 及酵母菌後留下 35 個分離菌落,接著觀察菌體在 MRS 培養液中的型態初步篩 選出 13 個產生胞外多醣的分離菌落。16s rRNA 的結果顯示這 13 個分離菌落屬 於Lactococcus lactis subsp. cremoris。篩選出來之乳酸菌未來將應用在低脂乳製品 之發酵,以期改善因低脂所帶來之產品缺陷。


Taiwanese ropy fermented milk is a dairy product showing great extension ability. It is also referring to Taiwanese viili due to the similarity of texture and flavor to a traditional Nordic fermented milk, viili. The viscoelastic properties of fermented milk are contributed by a slime-forming strain Lc. lactis subsp. cremoris by producing exopolyssacharides-villian, during the fermentation. In this study, a total of 40 isolates were selected from Taiwanese ropy fermented milk. After gram staining test to remove gram negative bacteria and yeast, 35 isolates were remained. Then, we observed bacterial pellets with 13 isolates producing flame-like suspension in MRS broth. All of them were identified as Lc. lactis subsp. cremoris using 16s rRNA gene analysis. In the future, these exopolysaccharide-producing strains will be applied in low fat dairy products for functionality enhancement.

