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篇名 自食品中分離鑑定可產生脂肪酶之乳酸菌應用於製造人造奶油
卷期 46增刊
並列篇名 Isolation and identification of lipase from food microorganism for margarine production
作者 吳藝璐陳明汝
頁次 107-107
關鍵字 GRAS脂肪酶人造奶油GRASLipaseMargarine
出刊日期 201712


本研究之目的為篩選出生產可分解棕櫚油產生單酸甘油脂(monoglyceride, MG) 及雙酸甘油脂(diglyceride, DG)脂肪酶之 GRAS 微生物作為生產人造奶油之乳 化劑,以減少食品添加劑的使用。從食品分離之 46 株分離菌株中篩選生產脂肪 酶且具乳化能力之微生物,以 oil spreading 法初篩選 35 株具乳化能力菌株後, 藉由 ERIC-PCR 排除重複菌株並進行鑑菌,以 16S rRNA 基因定序確認選留之 18 株菌株均為 GRAS(generally recognized as safe),接著以脂肪酶活性測定法及 HPLC 選擇 MG 及 DG 產量最高之菌株。本研究冀望透過自 GRAS 微生物分離 之生物性脂肪酶或直接加入微生物與原料反應生成乳化劑取代化學乳化劑,創造 符合市場需求之無添加產品。


In the present study, we aim to screen GRAS microorganisms as an emulsifying agent for margarine production to reduce the food additives. First, 46 isolates from different food sources were prescreened their emulsion activity by oil spreading assay. The selected 35 isolates with emulsifying abilities were then typed by ERIC-PCR and identified by 16S rRNA sequencing. After typing and identification, the potential GRAS strains were screened for lipase activity and analyzed their MG and DG producing abilities by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The final aim of this study is to produce food grade lipases from GRAS microorganisms to meet the consumers’ requirement.

