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篇名 探討乳脂肪球膜之乳化性質及其於冰淇淋之應用
卷期 46增刊
並列篇名 Evaluation of emulsifying properties of milk fat globule membrane and its application to ice cream manufacture
作者 張思靜吳如洲魏天恩胡子軒林幼君陳彥伯
頁次 108-108
關鍵字 乳化性冰淇淋乳脂肪球膜Emulsifying propertyIce creamMilk fat globule membrane
出刊日期 201712


乳脂肪球膜(milk fat globule membranes;MFGM)為一類富含生物活性物質之三層磷脂結構,於 乳汁中包覆三酸甘油脂表面以形成乳脂肪球,使乳脂肪能均勻存於乳汁中。而乳脂肪球膜雖富含許 多生物活性物質,但卻易受到環境、泌乳動物品系及加工製程等因素破壞或影響其表面之組成分及 其功能性。因此本試驗旨在探討不同 MFGM 製備方法之乳化性質,與取代冰淇淋乳化劑對冰淇 淋品質之影響,以期確立 MFGM 做為天然乳化劑之潛力。試驗中以檸檬酸鈉(sodium citrate;SC) 及氫氧磷灰石(hydroxyapatite;HA)前處理,並通過微過濾(microfiltration)所得之 MFGM,分 別使用 0.01%、0.1%、0.2%、0.5% 及 1.0%,並與脫脂乳粉(non-fat dry milk powder;NFDM)、 酪乳粉(buttermilk powder;BTM)及僅添加去離子水之控制組(control;C),各使用 10%、15% 及 20% 之黃豆油進行乳化試驗後進行比較。於冰淇淋製作,替代乳化劑之 MFGM 以 SC 及 HA 各 使用 0.5% 與 1.0%,並與未使用乳化劑及使用 0.5% 商業用乳化劑進行品質比較。結果顯示,乳 化效果隨各處理組使用比例越高,有提升之趨勢;而冰淇淋感官分析中,0.5% HA 及 SC 之 MFGM 處理組皆與商業用乳化劑無顯著差異(P < 0.05)。綜合以上,MFGM 具一定之乳化效果,並具做 為冰淇淋天然乳化劑之潛力。


Milk fat globule membrane (MFGM) is known to be composed mainly of polar lipids and proteins which enclose the fat droplets in milk and contributes to stabilizing milk as an emulsion. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the emulsion properties of MFGM and its application to ice cream manufacture as a replacer for commercial emulsifier. The MFGM obtained from microfiltration with either sodium citrate (SC) or hydroxyapatite (HA) pretreatment. The emulsion properties of SC and HA (0.25%, 0.1%, 0.2%, 0.5% and 1.0%), non-fat dry milk powder (NFDM), buttermilk powder (BTM), and deionized water (Control) were compared in a soy bean oil system. The results showed that the emulsifying property was higher in the high concentration group. The sensory evaluation of ice cream showed that no significantly difference among all treatments (P < 0.05). Above all, The MFGM has a certainly emulsifying property, and has the potential for application as a natural emulsifier for ice cream.

