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篇名 乳脂肪球膜對巨噬細胞之影響
卷期 46增刊
並列篇名 Effect of milk fat globule membrane on macrophages
作者 胡子軒魏天恩張思靜陳佑易吳如洲曾育璿林姿昀林幼君陳彥伯
頁次 109-109
關鍵字 細胞激素乳脂肪球膜巨噬細胞CytokinesMilk fat globular membraneMacrophages
出刊日期 201712


乳脂肪球膜(milk fat globule membrane;MFGM)已知具有許多生物活性,然而其對於免 疫細胞的影響目前仍未完全明瞭。本試驗首先使用氫氧磷灰石解離酪乳中酪蛋白膠粒,並 通過單通道微膜過濾法萃取 MFGM,再由真空冷凍乾燥法製成 MFGM 粉末備用。試驗 使用小鼠巨噬細胞株(RAW264.7),分成六個處理組,分別為添加加熱(120°C;30 分 鐘)MFGM 組(1、0.5、0.1 mg/mL)、添加未加熱 MFGM 組(1、0.5、0.1 mg/mL)與未 添加任何物質的陰性對照組。培養 48 小時後以 ELISA 分析細胞激素 TNF-α、IFN-γ。 結果顯示添加加熱或未加熱之 MFGM 均會提高巨噬細胞分泌 TNF-α 與 IFN-γ 之濃 度,顯示MFGM 具有刺激免疫反應之潛力。


Milk fat globule membrane (MFGM) has been proved to have many biological activities. However, there is little understanding of its effects on immune cells. In this study, we used hydroxyapatite to dissociate casein micelles of buttermilk, followed by microfiltration for isolating MFGM material. Finally, the MFGM was dried by freeze drying into MFGM powder. In vitro, we used mouse macrophages cell line (RAW264.7) for the immune cell investigation and divided into six treatment groups: heated or unheated MFGM group (1, 0.5, 0.1 mg /mL) and negative control group. After 48 hours, the cytokines were analyzed by ELISA. The results showed that both heated and unheated MFGM could increase the production of TNF-α and IFN-γ in macrophages. Above all, MFGM is a potential biological material to stimulate immune function.

