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篇名 白木耳萃取物作為冰淇淋天然安定劑之研究
卷期 46增刊
並列篇名 Using tremella extract as natural stabilizer on ice-cream making
作者 簡于傑陳佳昕林棟雍林美貞
頁次 110-110
關鍵字 冰淇淋安定劑白木耳萃取物Ice CreamStabilizerTremella extr
出刊日期 201712


冰淇淋製造常添加安定劑增加混料之黏稠度與水和度,減少大冰晶產生,以增進冷凍穩定性, 提升口感滑順。研究指出真菌產生的多醣體應用在冰淇淋上有安定效果,因此本研究利用白木 耳所含之多醣體作為冰淇淋安定劑之取代物。以熱水萃取法萃取白木耳多醣體之方法:秤取 60 g 的白木耳加 990 g 25℃ 溫開水浸泡 12 hrs 後,以果汁機絞碎 1 min,倒入燒杯蓋上鋁箔紙 以 70℃ 水浴震盪 4 hrs 後,加入 200 mL 100℃ 熱水攪拌均勻,再於 4℃ 以 10000 g 離心 20 min,取上清液作為萃取液。於冰淇淋混料(以100%計之)中額外添加0、2.5、5、7.5、 10、12.5、15% 白木耳萃取液,經殺菌(80℃, 25 sec)、陳化(4℃, 24 hrs)、攪凍(-18℃, 15 min)、 硬化(-20℃, 24 hrs)等步驟製成冰淇淋。分析黏稠度、膨脹率、融化安定性、色差及官能品 評等,以探討多醣體萃取液添加與冰淇淋的品質的關係。結果顯示白木耳萃取液添加比例越多, 冰淇淋混料的黏稠度越高; 萃取物添加量多少不影響膨脹率大小;在減緩融化速度的安定性 質,則以 2.5% 萃取液添加為最佳;官能品評結果以添加 2.5% 及 7.5% 萃取液之顏色為佳、 口感以添加 0% 萃取液為佳、風味以添加 2.5% 萃取液為佳、總可接受度則以添加 2.5% 萃 取液為最佳。綜上所述,以白木耳萃取液作為天然安定劑,建議以 2.5% 添加量能獲致最佳 冰淇淋品質。


Ice cream production often uses stabilizers to increase viscosity and hydration degree, to reduce the generation of large ice crystals, to improve freezing stability and smoothness. Polysaccharides produced by fungi can be used as a stabilizer for ice cream; therefore, this research was to apply the polysaccharides extracted from Tremella as a substitute of ice cream stabilizer. Tremella polysaccharides was extracted by hot water method. The amount of 60 g dry Tremella was added 990 g of 25 ℃ water, immersed for 12 hrs, blended for 1 min, shaking at 70 ℃ water bath for 4 hrs in a beaker covered with aluminum foil. Addition of 200 mL 100 ℃ hot water to Tremella mixture before centrifuged at 4 ℃ 10000 g for 20 min. The supernatant after centrifugation was the Tremella extract stock solution. The amount of 0, 2.5, 5, 7.5, 10, 12.5 and 15% Tremella extract stock solution were mixed with ice cream mix, pasteurized at 80 ℃ 25 sec, aged at 4 ℃ 24 hrs, stir-freezed at -18 ℃ 15 min, and hardened at -20℃ 24 hrs for making ice cream. Viscosity, overrun, melting stability, color comparison, sensory evaluation was carried out. Results showed that viscosity of the ice cream was increased with higher proportion of Tremella extract added. The amount of Tremella extract had no effect on overrun of ice cream. Addition of 2.5% Tremella extract showed the slowest melting rate and the highest stability among all treatments. Addition of 2.5% and 7.5% Tremella extract had higher color scores in sensory results; however, 0% Tremella extract addition showed the highest taste score. Addition of 2.5% of showed higher flavor and overall acceptability than other treatments. In summary, addition of 2.5% Tremella extract as a natural stabilizer is recommended to improve ice cream quality.

