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篇名 飼料添加不同抗氧化營養組合對蛋雞生產性能和蛋黃抗氧化力的影響
卷期 46增刊
並列篇名 Effects of dietary supplementation different antioxidant combinations on production performance and yolk antioxidant activity in laying hens
作者 謝昀辰徐清騏李德南
頁次 112-112
關鍵字 蛋雞維生素ELayerSeleniumVitamin
出刊日期 201712


n-3脂肪酸為人體的必需脂肪酸,已知飼料添加魚油可以增加雞蛋 n-3 脂肪酸濃度,但 n-3 脂肪酸 為不飽和結構而極易氧化,配合同屬抗氧化必需營養之維生素E(Vit E)和硒(Se),具有穩定不 飽和脂肪酸之功能,但兩者在抗氧化之需求尚未明確,故本研究在探討飼料添加魚油、Vit E及硒 對蛋雞生產性能、蛋品質及蛋黃抗氧化能力之影響。選用三期不同週齡(45、56、72)之羅曼褐殼 蛋雞共 180 隻,依各週齡逢機分配至三個處理組。基礎飼料含 3.5% 魚油作為對照組、基礎飼料 添加 100 IU/kg Vit E 組(Vit E)、基礎飼料添加 100 IU/kg Vit E 和 0.4 mg/kg 硒組(Vit E + Se)。 每處理 6 欄,每欄 10 隻,飼於上置巢箱且鋪有粗糠之水泥地面平飼欄,實驗以 4 週為 1 周期, 連續測量 4 周期。每周期分析各欄的產蛋性能,並逢機選取2顆蛋測定室溫儲存 14 天的蛋品質和 蛋黃丙二醛(malondialdehyde, MDA)濃度。試驗結果顯示,各處理不影響產蛋性能或蛋殼品質, 但添加 VitE+Se 可較對照組顯著提升蛋黃指數和降低第 4 期蛋黃 MDA 濃度(P < 0.05),而單 獨添加 Vit E 均與對照組無顯著差異。故本實驗結果證實,同時添加 Vit E 和 Se 較單獨添加 Vit E 更能改善含 n-3 脂肪酸雞蛋之蛋黃指數和抗氧化能力。


The n-3 poly unsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) are essential nutrition in human. Thus supplementation fish oil to layer diet is believed to be able to enrich n-3 PUFA in eggs, but PUFA is easy to oxidize. Vitamin E (Vit E) and selenium (Se) are not only essential nutrition but also excellent antioxidants. However it was uncertainty about their antioxidant activity between antioxidant combinations. The study was conducted to evaluate effects of supplementation with fish oil, Vit E, Se on production performance, egg quality, and yolk antioxidant activity. A total of 180 with three different age (week 45, 56, 72) laying hens was randomly allocated into six pens with three dietary treatments by each age; control: basal diet containing 3.5% fish oil; Vit E: control diet supplemented with 100 IU/kg Vit E; and Vit E + Se: control diet supplemented with 100 IU/kg Vit E + 0.4 mg/kg Se. Hens were fed in set nests. Every 4 weeks for a period, continued 4 periods. Production performance and egg quality was measured each period. Randomly selected 2 eggs, the egg quality and malondialdehyde (MDA) concentration would be measured after 14 days storage at room temperature. The results showed that production performance or shell quality was not affected by dietary treatment. Vit E + Se was compared to the control group increased the yolk index, and decreased the yolk MDA (P < 0.05), but it was not for Vit E. It was concluded that simultaneously supplementation Vit E and Se could improve the yolk index and antioxidant activity under enrich of n-3 fatty acids.

