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篇名 臺灣梅花鹿鹿茸分叉之誘發
卷期 46增刊
並列篇名 The induced branching of velvet antler in Formosan sika deer
作者 宋依庭黃得嘉楊錫坤
頁次 113-113
關鍵字 鹿角鹿誘發分叉AntlerDeerInduced branching
出刊日期 201712


本研究之目的在於利用異物埋植或創傷刺激鹿茸分叉以期能提高鹿茸產量。本研究共 分二次試驗,每次各用三頭成年雄性臺灣梅花鹿。在試驗一,每對鹿角中之一側當作 試驗側,而對側則作為對照側。試驗側在鹿隻解角後 40 日,於眉叉對面之主枝軟骨 膜上埋植吳郭魚鰓骨片。兩側鹿茸皆在處理後 1.5 個月收割。其中一頭鹿隻在埋植部 位長出長度 2.0 cm 之分叉。另兩頭鹿隻也在埋植處產生小突起。相反地,對照側在 相對應位置皆無突起。縱切面顯示被埋植之骨片會被完全或部分吸收。在試驗二,處 理方式與試驗一相似,但埋植的位置較試驗一者接近頂端,且埋植的對面也被創傷(但 未被埋植骨片)。三頭鹿中有一頭,其埋植處長出一枝 1.5 cm 長的分枝,其創傷處長 出一枝 4.0 cm 長的分枝。另兩頭鹿隻,在其創傷處與埋植處皆產生小突起。對照側 在相對應位置皆無突起。與試驗一相同,被埋植之骨片也會被完全或部分吸收。在二 次試驗中,鹿茸重量在兩側之間皆無顯著差異(P > 0.05)。這些結果顯示,創傷與骨 片埋植皆可誘發鹿角分叉,但分枝之大小具有變異。


Two trials with 3 mature Formosan stags each were conducted to induce antler branching for the increase in velvet yield. In Trial I, an antler of the pair was treatment side, and the contralateral antler was the control side. In the treatment side, a piece of tilapia gill bone was implanted on the perichondrium of the beam against to the brow tine on day 40 post-casting. Both antlers were harvested 1.5 mon. after operation. A 2.0 cm-branch developed on the implant surface in one of the stags, and small bumps were developed also in the other two. In contrast, no bump was found on the corresponding site of the control side in all stags. The longitude sections showed that the implanted bone pieces were absorbed completely or partly. In Trial II, the treatment was similar to that in Trial I, but the bone piece was implanted nearer to the tip, and the side against to the implant was made a trauma. In one of the three treated stags, a 1.5 cm-branch developed at the implanted site, and a 4.0 cm-branch developed at the trauma. In the other stags, small bumps were found at both the implant and the trauma. The implanted bone pieces were absorbed completely or partly, as in Trial I. The weights of antlers did not differ between sides in both trials (P > 0.05). The results showed that both trauma and bone implant induced antler branching with variant sizes.

