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篇名 綠茶浸漬液對無重金屬雞蛋皮蛋凝膠之影響
卷期 46增刊
並列篇名 Effect of green tea based pickling solution without heavy metals on alkaline gelation of hen pidan
作者 劉裕仁游凱全洪閬林于蕎林姿昀陳彥伯
頁次 116-116
關鍵字 鹼凝膠綠茶皮蛋Alkaline gelationGreen teaPidan
出刊日期 201712


傳統上皮蛋乃以鴨蛋浸泡於鹼液、紅茶與重金屬鹽類為主之浸漬液中所製成。本 研究擬使用雞蛋並搭配綠茶及鹼液為主之浸漬液,製作新穎之無重金屬雞蛋皮蛋, 並評估使用綠茶對雞蛋皮蛋之蛋白鹼凝膠之影響。本實驗的浸漬液配方基礎為5 %氫氧化鈉,依配方分為 1.5% 紅茶 10% 食鹽(以下稱 R10)、1.5% 紅茶 5% 食鹽(以下稱R5)和 1.5% 綠茶 10% 食鹽(以下稱 G10)三組,分別於浸漬第 5、7、9 及 11 天時採樣。試驗結果顯示 G10 之蛋白凝膠最快,於第 5 天已產生 凝膠,R10 在第 7 天大部分凝膠,而 R5 組則在第 9 天凝膠完成。但在第 11 天 時三組的蛋白皆已開始液化。綜上所述,使用含有綠茶之鹼液製作雞蛋皮蛋可加 速蛋白之鹼凝膠,因此可減少皮蛋製作之時間,且為一種新穎之皮蛋浸漬液配方。


Traditionally, the manufacture of pidan is to immerse duck eggs in a pickling solution with alkaline, black tea and heavy metals as main ingredients. The aim of this study was to manufacture pidan with hen egg immersed in a green tea based alkaline solution without heavy metals as a novel formulation. The effect of green tea on the alkaline induced albumen gel of pidan was also studied. The pickling solution was used 5% sodium hydroxide as basic alkaline ingredient, with either 1.5% black tea and 10% sodium chloride (R10), 1.5% black tea and 5% sodium chloride (R5) or 1.5% green tea and 10% sodium chloride (G10). The samples in each experiment groups were collected at day 5, 7, 9 and 11. The results showed that the gelation of albumen was fastest in G10, where the gelation of G10, R10 and R5 was observed in day 5, day 7 and day 9 respectively. The gelation initiated liquefaction in all groups at day 11. Above all, the use of green tea in alkaline pickling solution was not only a novel formulation but also could accelerate the gelation of albumen, which might decrease the processing time for hen pidan manufacture.

