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篇名 評估以黑水虻篩選之枯草桿菌作為飼料添加物之潛力
卷期 46增刊
並列篇名 Evaluation of Bacillus subtilis from Hermetia illucens as feed additives
作者 施玉仁張哲綸余碧李滋泰
頁次 117-117
關鍵字 枯草桿菌飼料添加物黑水虻Bacillus subtilisFeed additivesHermetia illucens
出刊日期 201712


以益生菌作為飼料添加物已漸受產官學界重視。黑水虻(Hermetia illucens)為 一種腐生性的水虻科昆蟲常見於堆肥與廚餘處理中,能將廢棄物轉換為高營養 價值的蟲體蛋白。其腸道內之微生物在營養的轉換中扮演相當重要的角色。本 研究目的係從黑水虻體內分離出之枯草桿菌,透過體外特性評估其作為飼料添 加物之潛力。在分離所得之 9 株菌株(B1-B9)中,B1、B3、B6、B7、B8、 B9 具較高蛋白酶及纖維素酶之分泌能力;在耐熱試驗中,以 B1、B3、B4、B5、 B6 及 B9 耐熱能力較佳;在體外耐酸、耐膽鹽測試中及吸附性試驗則以 B3、 B4、B5、B6 及 B9 顯示較佳表現。由以上結果判斷,以其中 B3、B4、B5、 B6、B9 這 5 株菌具有較佳之生理與酵素分泌特性,在 16sRNA 基因鑑定下, 分別歸類為 3 個菌種:Bacillus velezensis(B4), Bacillus tequilensis(B5), Bacillus siamensis(B3、B6、B9),進一步將以動物試驗評估篩選所得之菌株作為飼料 添加物之可行性。


The benefits of probiotics used as feed additives have been attached great importance by industry and academics. Hermetia illucens is a kind of Stratiomyidae which is common in dealing with compost and famous for its outstanding ability of transferring organic substrates into high nutrition-valued protein. Therefore, microbes living in digestive tract of black soldier fly play an important role in its nutrient transition. The aims of this study were to isolate Bacillus subtilis from Hermetia illucens and evaluated its in vitro characteristics for use as feed additives. Among a total of 9 bacterial isolates(B1-B9), B1, B3, B6,B7, B8andB9 showed great ability on secretion of cellulase and protease, and B1, B3, B4, B5, B6, B9 had better ability of heat tolerance than the others, and B3, B4, B5, B6, B9 showed outstanding resulted in in vitro gastrointestinal stress tolerance and adhesion trail. Sum up, isolates of B3, B4, B5, B6 and B9, showed the best overall characteristics and were identified by 16sRNA gene sequence as belonging to 3 species: Bacillus velezensis (B4), Bacillus tequilensis (B5), and Bacillus siamensis (B3, B6, B9). These selected isolates will be further confirmed its potential of use as feed additives by in vivo experiment.

