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篇名 第一型類胰島素生長因子基因多態型與臺灣公水鹿產茸量之相關性
卷期 46增刊
並列篇名 Association of IGF-1gene polymorphism with yield of velvet antler on sambar deer
作者 梁筱梅林德育康獻仁洪國翔林正鏞
頁次 119-119
關鍵字 第一型類胰島素生長因子基因多態型臺灣水鹿鹿茸Gene polymorphism of insulin like growth factor 1Sambar deerVelvet antler
出刊日期 201712


本計畫分析鹿隻IGF-I 基因之多態性表現與鹿茸產量之相關性,以評估作為遺傳分 子標記輔助選育高產茸鹿隻。採集 217 隻公臺灣公水鹿鹿茸重量及其 DNA,利 用 PCR-SSCP 技術分析其 IGF-I 基因多態型並鑑定出有AA、AB、AC、AD、BC、 CC、CD 及 DD 等 8 個基因型,其平均茸重分別為 4,040.6±311.6、8,315.6±2,015.8、 2,368.5±262.0、3,600.0±1,356.4、2,937.4±378.46、2,367.9±351.6、2,698.1±65.8、1,050.0 ±37.5 公克,並以 AB 型產茸量顯著最高(P < 0.05)。


217 sambar deer were used for evaluating the association of the insulin like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) gene polymorphisms with the weight of velvet antler. Genotyping was performed by PCR-SSCP analysis. The results showed that IGF-1 gene exhibited polymorphisms and indicated the presence of 8 genotypes. The weights of velvet antler of the AA, AB, AC, AD, BB, BC, BD, CC, CD, and DD genotypes were 4,040.6± 311.6, 8,315.6±2,015.8, 2,368.5±262.0, 3,600.0±1,356.4, 2,937.4±378.46, 2,367.9± 351.6, 2,698.1±65.8, 1,050.0±37.5 g, respectively. The AB group has significantly highest yield of velvet antler among the genotypes.

