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篇名 杜洛克與高畜黑豬雜交之繁殖性能
卷期 46增刊
並列篇名 Reproductive performances of Duroc and KHAPS crossbred black sow
作者 李秀蘭王漢昇黃憲榮張伸彰林正鏞王治華張秀鑾沈朋志許晉賓
頁次 120-120
關鍵字 杜洛克高畜黑豬繁殖性能DurocKHAPS black pigReproductive performance
出刊日期 201712


本研究旨在探討杜洛克母豬(D)與高畜黑豬公豬(K)雜交後代母豬之繁殖性能。試驗 評估項目包括分娩窩仔數(LS)、分娩活仔數(LSA)、三週齡活仔數(LSA3)、仔豬 出生平均體重(WT0)及三週齡體重(WT3)。試驗結果顯示,各世代(DK1、DK2、DK3 及 DK4)母豬之 LS 分別為 12.1、11.2、12.0 及 10.1 頭,LSA 分別為 10.3、9.74、9.99 及 9.51 頭,LSA3 分別為 9.88、8.91、8.85 及 7.98頭。第 1-4 代母豬分娩之仔豬出生 與三週齡平均體重分別為 1.49 與 4.58 kg、1.42 與 4.36 kg、1.34 與 4.14 kg 及 1.33 及 4.15 kg;而仔豬三週齡育成率分別為 96.1、91.6、88.7 及 83.9%;仔豬黑毛比例則分別 為 75.6、90.8、90.2 及 92.1%。


The purpose of this study was to investigate the reproductive performances of Duroc (D) and KHAPS (K) crossbred sow. Sows evaluated of reproductive performances in F1 to F4 (DK1, DK2, DK3 and DK4). Reproductive traits analyzed were litter size at birth (LS), litter size born alive (LSA), litter size at three weeks of age (LSA3), body weight at birth (WT0) and at three weeks of age (WT3). The results showed that the LS were 12.1, 11.2, 12.0 and 10.1 piglets, and the LSA were 10.3, 9.74, 9.99 and 9.51 piglets in DK1, DK2, DK3 and DK4, respectively. Furthermore, the LSA3 were 9.88, 8.91, 8.85 and 7.98 piglets and the survival rate at three week of age were 96.1, 91.6, 88.7 and 83.9% in DK1, DK2, DK3 and DK4, respectively. The WT0 were 1.49, 1.42, 1.34 and 1.33 kg, the WT3 were 4.58 kg, 4.36 kg, 4.14 kg and 4.15 kg and the actual frequency of coat color observed were 75.6, 90.8, 90.2 and 92.1% in DK1, DK2, DK3 and DK4, respectively.

