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篇名 調查不同年度飼養環境下龍門高產蛋雜交土雞、北京油雞、無 鱗雞之16週齡體重與存活率
卷期 46增刊
並列篇名 Investigation of body weight and livability at 16 weeks of age of Lohmann high egg production hybrid native chicken, Beijing fatty chicken and scaleless chicken in different year and feeding environment
作者 洪哲明蔡銘洋劉曉龍林義福林德育陳文賢梁筱梅
頁次 128-128
關鍵字 北京油雞無鱗雞龍門土雞Beijing fatty chickenScaleless chickenLohmann chicken
出刊日期 201712


本試驗旨在調查北京油雞、無鱗雞、龍門高產蛋雜交土雞之不同年度飼養環境下16週齡體 重與存活情形。每一品種進行配種與收集種蛋,2015 年送至農業科技研究院進行異地孵 化與檢疫。10 日齡雛雞運送至高雄種畜繁殖場進行異地復育;2016 年收集高雄場種蛋運 回總所孵化飼養,期間測定16週齡體重與存活率情形。試驗結果顯示,2016 年 CM 龍門 土雞、TCM 龍門土雞、無鱗雞及北京油雞在 16 週齡存活率方面,分別為 94%、88%、 40% 及 78%;2015 年則分別為 98%、93%、86%、95%。2016 年公雞 16 週齡體重顯 著比 2015年為重(P < 0.05)之品種,為 CM 龍門土雞、TCM 龍門土雞及北京油雞; 而無鱗雞則 2016 年與 2015 年間無顯著差異。2016 年母雞 16 週齡體重顯著比 2015 年為重(P < 0.05)之品種,為 TCM 龍門土雞及無鱗雞;其他如近親土雞台畜一號 9 號 品系、CM 龍門土雞及北京油雞,則 2016 年與 2015 年間無顯著差異。


The experiment was to investigate the body weight and livability at 16 weeks of age of Lohmann high egg production hybrid native chicken, Beijing fatty chicken and scaleless chicken in different year and environment. Breeder eggs were collected after insemination of each line of breeder chicken. The breeder eggs were delivered to Agricultural Technology Research Institute for hatching and quarantine in 2015. The chicks at 10 days of age were delivered to Kaohsiung Propagation Station-LRI for restoration in other place. Breeder eggs from Kaohsiung Propagation Station-LRI were delivered to LRI for hatching and feeding in 2016. Body weight and livability at 16 weeks of age were determined. The results indicated that livability at 16 weeks of age of Lohmann CM, Lohmann TCM chickens, scaleless chicken and Beijing fatty chicken were 94%, 88%, 40% and 78%, respectively in 2016, and 98%, 93%, 86% and 95%, respectively in 2015. Males of Lohmann CM, Lohmann TCM chickens and Beijing fatty chicken had significantly higher body weight in 2016 than those in 2015 (P < 0.05). No significant difference was found in scaleless chicken between 2016 and 2015. Females of Lohmann and scaleless chicken had significantly higher body weight males in 2016 than those in 2015 (P < 0.05). No significant difference was found in LRI native chicken Taishu No. 9, Lohmann CM chicken and Beijing fatty chicken between 2016 and 2015.

