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篇名 臺灣鬥雞基因多樣性分析研究
卷期 46增刊
並列篇名 The study on the gene diversity of fighting chickens in Taiwan
作者 謝佳容林德育陳志峰蘇安國
頁次 130-130
關鍵字 鬥雞基因多樣性微衛星標記Fighting chickensGene diversityMicrosatellite markers
出刊日期 201712


本研究藉由微衛星標記分析來了解本場及臺灣各地區鬥雞種群的基因多樣性樣貌。國際農糧組織 (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations)已建置了家禽微衛星標記分析平台,針對 家雞提供經過認證的微衛星標記,作為分析雞隻基因多樣性的有力工具。以 24 組微衛星標記引子 分析本場、中興大學與5個商業種雞場共 176 隻鬥雞種雞個體後,共檢測到 187 個對偶基因,平 均每個基因座具有 7.79 個對偶基因。且其期望異質度介於 0.248 至 0.929 之間,平均為 0.645, 觀測異質度則介於 0.097 至 0.744 之間,平均為 0.482,多態性訊息含量介於 0.233 至 0.922 之 間,其平均為 0.594。其中有 17 組微衛星標記組具有高多態性訊息含量(PIC > 0.5)。再由 STRUCTURE 軟體分析後,了解各族群之基因結構並以親緣關係樹得知個體間的親屬相似程度。 而由此分析結果可知台灣鬥雞族群具有高度多態性,並且依親緣關係可約略分為三群,此訊息有助 於對鬥雞育種策略的制定與雞隻遺傳改進的監測,最終可以此做為未來選育鬥雞的基礎。


This study was conducted to elucidating the gene diversity of fighting chickens from different areas in Taiwan. Based on the well-approved microsatellite markers from FAO, the gene diversity of fighting chicken populations in Taiwan and Hualien animal propagation station were analyzed. A total 176 fighting chickens were analyzed and the result showed that 24 microsatellite markers were highly polymorphic. The average value of expected heterozygosity in this population range from 0.248 to 0.929 and had a mean value of 0.645. Meanwhile, the averages of observed heterozygosity ranged from 0.097 to 0.744 and had a mean value of 0.482. The polymorphic information content (PIC) was estimated with a mean of 0.594 and ranged from 0.233 to 0.922. Seventeen microsatellite markers (71%) were highly informative (PIC > 0.5). Furthermore, the microsatellite data analyzed via STRUCTURE software, the genetic structure of each population and similarity of individuals were verified. Based on this investigation, the population of fighting chickens from Taiwan showed highly polymorphic and could be divided into 3 subpopulations. All these information will help us to set up the breeding strategy, to monitor the genetic improvement of herds and to enhance the growth uniformity of game hens.

