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篇名 應用微衛星標記分析臺灣水牛多樣性
卷期 46增刊
並列篇名 Genetic diversity of Taiwan water buffalo based on microsatellite analysis
作者 莊璧華陳薏婷陳若菁蘇安
頁次 131-131
關鍵字 多態性微衛星標記水牛DiversityMicrosatellite markerWater buffalo
出刊日期 201712


本試驗利用 11 組微衛星標記,進行花蓮種畜繁殖場 123 頭臺灣水牛保種族群遺 傳多樣性及族群分佈結構檢測。試驗結果顯示,花蓮場水牛族群微衛星基因標記 平均多態性訊息含量(PIC)為 0.45,族群呈現中度多態性。族群內懷特氏固定指 數Fis 平均值 0.1261,顯示族群目前為近親配種狀態。Fst 平均值為 0.1077,顯示 族群間的分化程度為中等。利用軟體分析花蓮場水牛群最適分群數為 3 群。為避 免水牛族群過度近親,可考慮引進外場種公或種母牛,以維持族群之遺傳多樣性。


In this study, eleven microsatellite loci were used to define genetic diversity and population structure among 123 Taiwan water buffalo samples in the Hualien propagation station. The result showed that PIC values from microsatellite loci calculation was 0.45. This value implied the middle genetic diversity of this Taiwan water buffalo population. Furthermore, the estimated values of Fis and Fst were 0.1261 and 0.1077, respectively. Inbreed and middle differentiation of this population was observed. The genetic relatedness of this herd was depicted by a neighbor joining tree individually. Three subpopulations were clustered appropriately in this group. According to these results, male or female buffalo without any relatives to this farm might be considered to introduce into this herd for avoiding the excessive close relatives and maintain the genetic diversity in this population.

