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篇名 國產牛乳生產端碳足跡研析
卷期 46增刊
並列篇名 Evaluate the carbon footprint of domestic dairy production
作者 紀泱竹程梅萍張俊達蕭宗法范耕榛李春芳盧啟信林正斌
頁次 136-136
關鍵字 碳足跡生命週期評估生乳Carbon footprintLife cycle assessmentRaw milk
出刊日期 201712


本研究之目的為利用乳牛場經營管理資訊,評估生乳生產端之碳足跡,並整合乳牛之 營養、經營及牧草研究成果,完成乳牛場溫室氣體減量經營模式之評估。本研究以生 命週期評估法估計 105 年 1-12 月生產每公斤生乳產生 1.19-1.59 kg 二氧化碳當量, 其中影響單位生乳二氧化碳排放之最主要因素為泌乳效率及耗能,故如能增加每頭牛 之產乳量,提高畜群生產效率,並透過改善牛群與畜舍管理模式,以減少降溫所需耗 能等減緩策略,預期單位生乳二氧化碳排放將能有效地降低。盤固草種植溫室氣體產 量評估,盤固草地施用2 倍氮素廢水與化學肥料組相較,並未增加溫室氣體之排放量。 此外,乳牛飼糧使用進口牧草或國產牧草,並不會影響牛隻溫室氣體之排放量,然國 產牧草少了運輸過程之產生量,故可能仍為一種環保節能之飼養模式選項。


The purpose of this study is to evaluate the carbon footprint of dairy production with the management information of dairy farm, and to integrate the research results on nutrition, management and forage grass to complete the management model of greenhouse gas mitigation for the dairy farm. The carbon footprints of raw milk evaluated by life cycle assessment were 1.19-1.59 kg CO2 equivalent from January to December, 2016. The most important factors on carbon footprints were the milking efficiency and the energy consumption. Therefore, if the milk yield per cow can be increased and the herd production efficiency is improved, the CO2e emission per unit milk production might be effectively reduced through the mitigation strategies, such as herd management and energy consumption. The results of planting forage showed the amount of greenhouse gas emission from the process of growing pangolagrass was not increased by the application of 2 times nitrogen fertilizer dairy wastewater compared with the chemical fertilizer. On the other hand, the milking cow fed with imported forage or domestic forage does not affect the amount of greenhouse gas emission, but domestic forage reduced the greenhouse gas emissions during the transportation process, which may still be an environmental protection and energy saving option.

