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篇名 畜牧廢水污泥濃縮及厭氧消化評估
卷期 46增刊
並列篇名 Evaluation on condensation and anaerobic digestion of sludge from livestock wastewater treatment
作者 程梅萍蕭庭訓
頁次 137-137
關鍵字 厭氧消化濃縮污泥Anaerobic digestionCondensationSludge
出刊日期 201712


畜牧廢水厭氧污泥是廢水淨化的產物,厭氧處理單元污泥屯積會影響處理效率。污泥含水 率高,再利用前必須脫水,以便後續處理。本計畫目的為評估養豬場及養牛場厭氧污泥之 再消化、濃縮及脫水技術。養豬場厭氧污泥濃縮試驗結果顯示,污泥靜置 17 小時即有上 浮效果,藉由排除下層澄清液,可減少 26.2% 污泥體積。隨草炭或活性炭添加量增多, 澄清液體積遞減,因此養豬場污泥濃縮不需添加炭。濃縮污泥之 TS、VS 及 COD 分別 為濃縮前之 127、124、150%,但澄清液之 COD 829 mg/L,不符合放流水標準,宜迴流 進入好氧處理槽進一步處理。養牛場固液分離後廢水厭氧消化 SS、TS、VS、COD 去除 率及比沼氣產率分別為 54.7、49.5、57.2、56.7 % 及 762 mL/gVS/d,厭氧污泥經厭氧消 化則為 22.2、22.4、19.4、34.2% 及 67 mL/gVS/d。濃縮豬糞厭氧污泥添加凝結劑 0.03%、 0.04% 則顯著降低殘液中 TS、VS 及 COD,有較佳之脫水效果。


The anaerobic sludge is the by-product of livestock wastewater clarifying processes. The anaerobic sludge cumulated in the anaerobic tanks caused the low removal efficiency. The purpose of this study is to reduce the moisture content of sludge. The technology on anaerobic digestion (AD) of sludge to reduce the total volume of sludge and produce biogas, the technology of adding various ration of activated carbon or pasture carbon to concentrate sludge were evaluated in this study. The results showed anaerobic sludge from pig farm was floated after 17 hours which can be condensed by excluding clarified liquid of 26.2% volume. With pasture or activated carbon dosage increase, the volume of clarified liquid decreased, so the sludge can be condenses without adding other materials. The TS, VS and COD concentration of the condensed sludge were 127, 124, 150 % of those before condensation. However, the COD of the liquid was 829 mg/L which do not meet the discharge standard. It should be returned to the aerobic treatment tanks for further treatment. The results of AD of dairy wastewater and sludge showed the SS, TS, VS, and COD removal rates and biogas production rate of wastewater digestion were 54.7, 49.5, 57.2, 56.7% and 762 mL/gVS/d, while those of sludge digestion were 22.2, 22.4, 19.4, 34.2% and 67 mL/gVS/d. Adding 0.03%, 0.04% of coagulant in anaerobic sludge significantly reduced the TS, VS and COD of residual fluid and made the dewatering process easier.

