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篇名 牛糞尿厭氣水灑灌於狼尾草區之影響
卷期 46增刊
並列篇名 Effect of irrigation of anaerobic cattle manure wastewater on napiergrass pasture
作者 劉主欣盧啟信張世融程梅萍
頁次 139-139
關鍵字 牛糞尿厭氣水狼尾草土壤Anaerobic cattle manure wastewaterNapiergrassSoil
出刊日期 201712


畜牧廢水富含有機質及牧草所需要之養分,位於乾旱及半乾旱地區的國家早已廣泛使用廢水灌溉農作物, 畜牧廢水再利用作為肥料,除可降低施肥成本,又可減少廢水好氣處理之能源消耗。本研究之目的旨在 探討利用牛糞尿厭氣水灑灌於台畜草二號狼尾草區對土壤理化性質及牧草產量之影響。狼尾草台畜二號 牧草區分為 3 個處理組,每處理組三重覆,分別為全厭氣水組(W1)、厭氣水及化學肥料組各 1/2 組 (W1/2)及全化學肥料組(CK),每處理組之面積為 66 m2。試驗三年後 3 個處理組改為 2 倍牛厭氣 水氮量組(W2)、1.5 倍牛厭氣水氮量組及全化學肥料組(CK),全年共灑灌厭氣水 5 次,每次依所測 得廢水之總氮量計算灑灌量。牧草8 週採收一次,並採集 0-20 公分深處之表土分析。試驗結果顯示, W1 組、W1/2 組、W1.5、W2 及 CK 組土壤平均 pH 分別為 5.50、5.09、5.40、5.75、4.51,平均 EC 分 別為 87.5、118、76.8、72.9、175 μs/cm,平均有機質含量分別為 1.09、1.10、1.24、1.15、1.15%,平 均有效磷含量分別為 38.7、37.1、28.9、26.8、38.8 mg/kg,平均 Cu 含量分別為 1.62、1.37、1.25、1.27、 1.37 mg/kg,平均 Zn 含量分別為 3.47、4.05、2.71、2.00、3.69 mg/kg。牧草平均產量以 W1/2 組 54.6 t/ha 最高。綜上所述,利用牛糞尿厭氣廢水灑灌於台畜草二號狼尾草區會提高酸性土壤之 pH、降低土壤之 EC 減低鹽份之累積,且未造成 Cu 及 Zn 含量之累積,可取代半量化學肥料,牧草產量與化肥組相當, 但對於增加土壤有機質含量效益不大。


The cattle wastewater is rich in organic matter and the nutrients which the plant needed. Wastewater has been widely used for agricultural irrigation in countries which in arid and semi-arid areas. The reuse of wastewater as fertilizer can reduce the fertilizing cost and energy consumption in aerobic treatment of wastewater. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the effects of irrigation of anaerobic cattle manure wastewater(acmw) on the soil physical and chemical properties of pasture and yield of napiergrass. Three treatments with 3 replicates each were conducted on the pasture of Napiergrass Taishu No. 2. The treatments were as follow: irrigation cattle manure wastewater (W1), half wastewater and half chemical fertilizers (W1/2), and all chemical fertilizers (CK). The area of every treatment was 66 m2. After irrigating among three years, the treatments were changed as follow: 2 folds of total nitrogen of acmw (W2), 1.5 folds of total nitrogen of acmw (W1.5) and all chemical fertilizers (CK). It was 5 times to irrigate with anaerobic cattle manure wastewater on the treatments year. The quantities of anaerobic wastewater irrigated were calculated according the contents of total nitrogen in wastewater. Napiergrass was harvested at 8 weeks regrowth. The surface soil samples from the top of 20 cm were taken and analyzed. The results showed that the soil pH were 5.50, 5.09, 5.40, 5.75 and 4.51 for W1, W1/2, W1.5, W2 and CK, respectively;87.5, 118, 76.8, 72.9 and 175 μs/cm on EC;1.09, 1.10, 1.24, 1.15 and 1.15% on organic matter;38.7, 37.1, 28.9, 26.8 and 38.8 mg/kg on available phosphorus;1.62, 1.37, 1.25, 1.27 and 1.37 mg/kg on copper and 3.47, 4.05, 2.71, 2.00 and 3.69 mg/kg on zinc. The napiergrass yield of W1/2 is 54.6 t/ha that was highest than other groups. Based on the results, it showed that anaerobic cattle manure wastewater increased the pH of acid soil and decreased the EC avoiding the accumulation of salt and didn’t cause the accumulation of copper and zinc in soil. The pasture yield of W1/2 is similar as CK. The cattle manure wastewater can replace half chemical fertilizers. However, no significant increase was observed on the organic matter of soil after irrigating with cattle manure wastewater.

