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篇名 活性污泥法批次操作處理豬廢水厭氣發酵排出液
卷期 46增刊
並列篇名 Treatment of anaerobic effluents of pig’s wastewater by sequencing aerobic sludge reactor
作者 蕭庭訓蘇天明程梅萍
頁次 141-141
關鍵字 厭氣處理豬廢水批次活性污泥法Anaerobic digestionPig’s wastewaterSequencing aerobic sludge reactor
出刊日期 201712


本試驗以可程式邏輯控制器(programmable logic controller, PLC)設計批次活性污泥法操 作包含停止曝氣、排水、進料及啟動曝氣等動作,並連結 1 m3 活性污泥槽。批次循環操 作時間由 24 h 降至 6 h、進流量由 500 L/d 提升至 2000 L/d、水力停留時間(hydraulic retention time, HRT)由 48 h 降至 12 h、有機負荷率由 0.38 kg COD/m3/d 提高為 1.49 kg COD/m3/d,評估對處理畜牧廢水厭氣發酵排出液處理效果。結果顯示各試程之進流水COD、 BOD、SS 介於 700 – 800、100 – 140、200 – 300 mg/L 之間,出流水 COD、BOD、SS 介 於 185 – 255、30.6 – 41.1、86.7 – 115 mg/L 之間,各試程之出流水之 pH、COD、BOD、 SS 均符合放流水標準。本試驗操作進流量最高為活性污泥槽容積之 2 倍且出流水符合放 流水標準,可作為改善畜牧廢水活性污泥處理效率之操作方式。


The programmable logic controller (PLC) was designed and applied to control the operation parameters, including timing of aeration, influent and effluent control on a sequencing aerobic sludge system of a 1 m3 reactor. The operation time of the system was reduced from 24 h to 6 h, the amount of wastewater treated was increased from 500 L/day to 2000 L/day, hydraulic retention time (HRT) was reduced from 48 h to 12 h, and the organic load rate was increased from 0.38 kg COD/m3/d to 1.49 kg COD/m3/d, then the efficiency of the system on treating the anaerobic treated livestock wastewater was evaluated. The results showed the average COD, BOD and SS of the influents were 700–800, 100–140 and 200–300 mg/L, respectively; while those of effluents were 185–255, 30.6–41.1 and 86.7–115 mg/L, respectively. The quality of the effluents can meet the discharge standard. The treatment amount of the sequencing aerobic sludge system was 2 times of the volume of reactor and the effluent can also meet the discharge standards. The operation can be a choice for improving the efficiency of aerobic treatment for livestock wastewater.

