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篇名 發光二極體(LED)光照應用於褐色菜鴨的經濟價值評估
卷期 46增刊
並列篇名 Evaluating the economic value of applying LED illumination on brown Tsaiya ducks
作者 蘇晉暉鄭智翔林榮新劉秀洲
頁次 149-149
關鍵字 褐色菜鴨經濟價值發光二極體Brown Tsaiya duckEconomic valueLED
出刊日期 201712


本試驗藉由給予褐色菜鴨發光二極體(LED)光照,來評估其應用於褐色菜鴨的 經濟價值。試驗將褐色菜鴨給予三種不同光照處理,分別為(1)日光燈管搭配自 然光照組(2)LED 白光燈管搭配自然光照組(3)LED 白光燈管組。試驗各組分 別使用褐色菜鴨 48 隻,共使用褐色菜鴨 144 隻。試驗期間為鴨隻 22 週齡至 43 週齡,測量的經濟價值性狀包含:(1)產蛋率(2)採食量(3)蛋重(4)蛋殼強 度(5)蛋殼厚度。整合試驗全期之各性狀資料結果顯示,各組於各測定性狀皆未 顯示顯著差異存在。因此,以 LED 白光來取代傳統日光燈管,並不會對主要影響 產蛋鴨隻收益的產蛋性能與蛋品質造成負面影響,且可節省鴨舍 40% 的光源用 電量。


The aim of this experiment was to evaluate the economic value of applying LED illumination on brown Tsaiya ducks. Three different lighting regimes were used on Brown Tsaiya ducks in the experiment as follows: (1) fluorescent light with natural lighting (2) LED white light with natural light and (3) LED white light only. Forty eight ducks were used in each treatment respectively with totally 144 ducks in the experiment. The experiment periods were from 22 to 43 weeks of age. The traits determined include: (1)egg laying yield (2)feed intake (3)egg weight (4)egg shell breaking strength (5)egg shell thickness. The result of whole experiment period indicated that there were no significant difference between treatments. Therefore, it was concluded that replacing the fluorescent light with LED white light did not decrease the ducks’ laying performance and egg qualities, which were major factors influence producer’s profit with at least 40% light energy cost could be saved.

