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篇名 白羅曼鵝高產蛋品系之選育
卷期 46增刊
並列篇名 Selecting a line for higher egg production in White Roman goose
作者 林旻蓉張伸彰蕭智彰王勝德廖士傑李舜榮賈玉祥鄭裕信陳志峰
頁次 152-152
關鍵字 高產蛋遺傳率白羅曼鵝Higher egg productionHeritabilityWhite Roman goose
出刊日期 201712


源自 1974 與 1985 年分別自丹麥與美國引進之白羅曼鵝群,於 1994 年起至 1999 年 止,對該鵝群之產蛋數及體重進行閉鎖族群之選拔。之後以本場 2004 年孵化之白羅曼鵝 為選育族群之親代,持續選育高產蛋品系,至 2014 年已歷經 4 個世代,共計孵出 1,392 隻雛鵝供選拔用,每世代均紀錄鵝隻第 1 產次之產蛋數,並依據系譜資料,以 BLUP 動 物模式估算其產蛋數之育種價後,每世代選留產蛋數育種價高者之 25 隻公鵝與 100 隻 母鵝為種鵝,繁殖下一世代。結果顯示,第 1 至 4 世代高產蛋品系之產蛋數依序為 41.4、33.3、43.7 及 46.1枚。以第 1 至 2 世代之產蛋數與總蛋重資料估算其遺傳率分別 為 0.127 與 0.110,兩者之遺傳相關為 0.850。依 BLUP 動物模式估算第 1 與 2 世代 鵝隻之產蛋數育種價分別達 1.36 與 2.42 枚。綜上所述,高產蛋品系以每世代至少增加 1 枚的選拔速度進行中。


The closed White Roman goose flock used for genetic selection was originally imported from Denmark and USA in 1974 and 1985, respectively, and had been selected for egg production and body weight from 1994 to 1999 by Changhua Animal Propagation Station. In 2004, the flock was selected for on higher egg production. A total of 4 generations, 1,392 goslings, were hatched and selected until 2014. The data of egg production and pedigree obtained was analyzed with the statistics method of Best Linear Unbiased Prediction (BLUP). After that, 25 ganders and 100 geese were selected for next generation. The results indicated that egg production at the first lay number of the line was 41.4, 33.3, 43.7 and 46.1 eggs, respectively at the first to fourth generation. The heritabilities of egg production and egg mass were 0.127 and 0.110, respectively, and their genetic correlation was 0.850 from the first to second generations. The breeding values of egg production estimated by BLUP animal model were 1.36 and 2.42 eggs, respectively, at the first and second generation. In conclusion, the higher egg production line was selected by a rate of at least one egg increase per generation.

