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篇名 民間種雞場家禽白血病J 病毒的監測
卷期 46增刊
並列篇名 Avian leucosis J-virus monitoring in private chicken breeder farms
作者 林德育曾淑貞賴永裕邢湘琳張秀鑾吳明哲
頁次 155-155
關鍵字 家禽白血病家禽白血病J 病毒監測Avian leucosisALV-JChickenMonitoring
出刊日期 201712


家禽白血病(avian leucosis, AL)是由家禽白血病病毒(avian leucosis virus, ALV)引起,其中 的 J 亞群(subgroup J ALV;ALV-J)於 1988 年出現,造成養雞業者的嚴重損失。為了解民 間種雞場種雞群是否感染家禽白血病 J 病毒,從 2011 年至 2017 年逐批監測進駐行政院農 業委員會畜產試驗所創新育成中心的種雞場選育族群候選種雞是否感染家禽白血病 J 病毒。 採集以含抗凝劑 EDTA-K3 隻採血器採集雞隻翼靜脈 2 毫升全血,低溫寄送國立臺灣大學獸 醫專業學院禽病學研究室進行雞白血病檢測,每批採集 23 隻候選種雞,全血抽取 DNA 進 行 PCR(primer H5/H7)檢測家禽白血病 J 病毒。監測 4 家民間種雞場種,4 個雞種。包括 16 批紅羽土雞共 365 隻、1 批 23 隻黑羽土雞、8 批商用烏骨雞共 181 隻及 1 批 23 隻藍 殼蛋黑羽烏骨雞,共計 592 隻候選種雞。檢測結果在 2011 年有1 批商用烏骨雞 23 隻送檢 樣品中有5 隻檢出家禽白血病 J 病毒,並已將該陽性雞隻立即淘汰,而在其他所有送檢樣品 皆呈陰性反應。因此,繼續監測種雞群是否潛藏家禽白血病 J 病毒仍有其必要性。


Avian leucosis is caused by Avian leucosis viruses (ALVs). are prevalent in the poultry industry worldwide and cause severe economic losses. The subgroup J of ALV (ALV-J) has emerged as an important pathogen of meat-type chickens since 1989 and causes serious economic losses in commercial poultry industry. In order to monitor ALV-J disease in the private selection country chicken flocks of those stationed in the Innovation Incubation Center of LRI-COA, we collected candidate bred chicken blood samples by batch, 23 samples per batch, used the blood collection with anticoagulant EDTA-K3 from 2011to 2017. Each bird was collected 2 ml of whole blood from wing vein. Blood samples were sent to Lab of Poultry Diseases in School of Veterinary Medicine National Taiwan University for ALV-J detection. Four breeding farms including four country chicken breeds were monitored in this program. Totally 592 candidate bred chicken blood samples were detected including 365 Red Feathered country chicken from 16 batches, 23 Black Feathered country chickens of one batch, 181 Commercial Silky chickens from 8 batches and 23 Black Silky chickens for one batch. Only five samples of one batch were detected ALV-J positive in one farm. The positive birds were eliminate immediately. Others of all were ALV-J negative. Thus, it is necessary to continuously monitor the chicken breeding flocks harbored ALV-J seriously.

