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篇名 噴霧式消毒劑應用於種蛋消毒及孵化率之影響
卷期 46增刊
並列篇名 Application of spray disinfectant in breeder’s egg disinfection and hatchability
作者 蔡銘洋洪哲明劉曉龍林義福
頁次 157-157
關鍵字 消毒孵化率ChickenDisinfectionHatchability
出刊日期 201712


本試驗目的為比較過氧化物、四級胺和次氯酸水等消毒劑對種蛋微生物殺滅及種蛋孵化率 之影響評估。種雞配種後每日收集種蛋後置於 16℃ 儲蛋室保存,接著將種蛋以鈍端朝上 之方式排列於孵化器之蛋架,利用馬力 1 HP 之泵浦抽取消毒溶液,並連結加壓式噴嘴, 以距離種蛋 30-60 公分之位置對種蛋進行來回噴灑消毒,噴霧消毒時間為 5 分鐘,接著 取出種蛋後自然風乾約 15 分鐘後,接著進行蛋殼表面細菌採樣,以及種蛋入孵。結果顯 示種蛋均無分離到沙門氏菌,生菌數平均值,分別為對照組超過 3,000 CFU/cm2、250 ppm 過氧化物 1,344 CFU/cm2、500 ppm 四級胺 104 CFUcm2 及 30 ppm 次氯酸水 465 CFU/cm2,以四級胺滅菌效果最佳。另外種蛋受精率及孵化率平均數,分別為對照組 81% 及 59%,過氧化物 88% 及 71%,次氯酸 81% 及 68%,以及四級胺 66% 和 60%。此 外在孵化之雛雞重量則無顯著差異。


The purpose of this test is to compare the effects of disinfectants such as peroxide, quaternary ammonium and hypochlorous acid on egg microbial disinfection and egg hatchability. Breeding the chickens after collecting the eggs and storing them at 16 °C. Then the eggs are arranged on the egg rack of the incubator with the blunt end upwards. The sterilization solution is extracted with the pump. Pressure spray nozzle, the distance from the eggs 30-60cm position of the egg spray back and forth disinfection, spray sterilization time of 5 minutes, then remove the eggs after the natural air drying about 15 minutes, followed by egg shell surface bacterial sampling, and eggs into the incubator. The results showed that there were no isolates of Salmonella, the average number of bacteria, respectively, the control group more than 3,000 CFU/cm2, 250ppm peroxide 1,344 CFU/cm2,500ppm quaternary amine 104 CFU/cm2 and 30ppm hypochlorous acid 465 CFU/cm2. The best effect of quaternary amine sterilization. The average fertilization rate and hatching rate were 81% and 59% in the control group, 88% and 71% of the peroxide, 81% and 68% of the hypochlorous acid, and 66% and 60% of the quaternary amine respectively. In addition, there was no significant difference in the weight of chicks hatched.

