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篇名 不同抗生素稀釋液對公雞精液品質之影響
卷期 46增刊
並列篇名 Influence of different antibiotics addition into semen diluent on rooster semen quality
作者 鄭伃汝邱乃萱李嘉偉劉世華夏良宙
頁次 206-206
關鍵字 抗生素公雞精液品質AntibioticRoosterSemen quality
出刊日期 201712


本試驗目的為探討不同抗生素稀釋液對公雞精液品質之影響。試驗採用約 24 週齡黑羽土 公雞4 隻。試驗設計採4(稀釋液)× 6(儲藏時間)之複因子設計,抗生素處理分別為 對照組稀釋液 IGGKP、配尼黴素、慶大黴素、恩諾沙星;儲藏時間分別為 0 小時、2 小 時、4 小時、6 小時、24 小時及 48 小時。試驗期間,公雞為籠飼個別飼養,採限食任 飲。試驗為期2 個月,每兩天採精一次,紀錄精液量、精子整體活力評分、個別精子活力 評分、總精子數、活精子數、死精子數、異常精子率、精子存活率、精子濃度。試驗結果 顯示,在抗生素稀釋液方面,配尼黴素抗生素稀釋液對公雞精子整體活力、精子個體活力、 活精子數及存活率有顯著較佳之表現,且死精子數顯著最少(P < 0.001)。儲藏時間方面, 個體精子活力、活精子數、精子存活率隨儲存時間增加而降低(P < 0.001),死精子數與 儲存時間呈正相關(P < 0.001)。整體而言,使用配尼黴素抗生素稀釋液有顯著較高之精 子活力及存活率,但儲藏時間超過 24 小時其精子活力及存活率皆會有顯著下降。


This study was designed to determine the effect of different antibiotics diluent on rooster semen quality. A total of 4 male Native chickens of 24 weeks old were used. Experimental design was a 4 (antibiotics diluents) x 6 (storage time) factorial design: antibiotics diluents were control IGGKP diluent, Penimycin-S, Gentamycine sulphste, Enrofloxacin; storage time were 0 hr, 2 hr, 4 hr, 6 hr, 24 hr and 48 hr. During the experiment, Native chickens were housed in the individual cage, each cage was provided drinking water ad libitum, and chickens were fed restricted feeding. The duration of the experiment was 2 months. Semen was collected once every two days. Semen quality including volume, gross motility, individual sperm motility, total/ live/ dead sperm number, abnormal sperm rate, sperm survival rate, concentration were evaluated. The results showed that for antibiotics diluent, the Penimycin-S group had higher gross motility, individual sperm motility, live sperm number and sperm survival rate, and the least number of dead sperm number (P < 0.001). For storage time, the individual sperm motility, live sperm number and sperm survival rate were reduced with increasing storage time (P < 0.001). The number of dead sperm was positively correlated with storage time (P < 0.001). To sum up, using Penimycin-S diluent semen had higher sperm motility and sperm survival rate, but all of diluents would significantly decline after 24 hours.

