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篇名 肥育期黑豬餵飼高纖維飼糧之效果評估
卷期 46增刊
並列篇名 Evaluation of high fiber diet on finishing black pigs
作者 林正鏞王漢昇黃憲榮張以恆張伸彰李秀蘭
頁次 210-210
關鍵字 黑豬生長與屠體性狀高纖維飼糧Black pigsGrowth performances and carcass characteristicsHigh fiber diet
出刊日期 201712


本研究旨在探討肥育期黑豬餵飼高纖維飼糧對生長性能、血液生化值及屠體性狀之影響。試驗 選用 32 頭平均體重 57.8 kg 之雜交黑豬(含 25% 梅山豬及 75% 杜洛克),閹公豬及女豬 各半,逢機分置於正常飼糧組及高纖維飼糧組,每處理四重複,每重複 4 頭,試驗期間飼料 及飲水採任食,試驗至體重達 117 kg 時結束。試驗結束後每組採血及犧牲 12 頭進行血液生 化值及屠體性狀測定。結果顯示,與正常飼糧組比較,餵飼高纖維飼糧組之日增重及飼料轉換 率顯著(P < 0.05)較差,上市日齡顯著(P < 0.05)延長,血漿三酸甘油酯濃度與澱粉酶及丙 胺酸轉胺酶活性顯著(P < 0.05)較高,血漿尿素氮與白蛋白濃度顯著(P < 0.05)較低,屠宰 率、背脂厚度、脂肪比例顯著(P < 0.05)較低,骨骼比例顯著(P < 0.05)較高,屠體分級則 顯著(P < 0.05)較好。綜合本試驗之結果顯示,肥育期黑豬餵飼高纖維飼糧,雖可提升屠體 等級與降低背脂厚度,但生長性能(日增重、飼料轉換率、上市日齡)、屠宰率顯著變差,且 可能對肝臟與胰臟功能造成危害。


The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of high fiber diet on growth performances, blood biochemical traits and carcass characteristics of finishing black pigs. 32 (16 barrows and 16 gilts) crossbred pigs (25% Meishan x 75% Duroc) with an average weight of 57.8 kg were randomly divided into control and high fiber diet group, which were allocated into quadruplicate with 4 pigs in each pen. Water and feed were provided ad libitum. Experiment was ended when pigs reach 117 kg, and 12 pigs were phlebotomized and sacrificed in each group for further analysis. The results showed that, the daily weight gain and feed conversion rate were significantly decreased (P < 0.05) and market age was significantly prolonged (P < 0.05) in high fiber diet group. In blood biochemical traits, the concentration of plasma triglyceride and activity of amylase and alanine aminotransferase were significantly higher (P<0.05) whereas the concentration of blood urea nitrogen and albumin were significantly lower (P < 0.05) in high fiber diet group. The carcass percentage, backfat thickness and fat ratio were significantly decreased (P < 0.05) and bone ratio was significantly increased (P < 0.05) in high fiber diet group than control group, while the carcass grading was elevated (P < 0.05) in high fiber diet group. Taken together, high fiber diet showed advantage of backfat thickness decreasing and carcass grading elevation in finishing black pigs; however, the negative impacts were observed on the growth performances, carcass percentage and function of liver and pancreas.

