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篇名 BA 對指草 ‘Survenola’ 癒合組織誘導與植株再生之影響
卷期 46增刊
並列篇名 Effects of BA on callus induction and plant regeneration of digitgrass ‘Survenola’
作者 施意敏
頁次 217-217
關鍵字 癒合組織指草植株再生CallusDigitgrassPlant regeneration
出刊日期 201712


本研究主要以指草 Survenola(Digitaria x umfolozi Hall)的未成熟花穗進行培養,建立誘 導癒合組織形成與植株再生的方法,以利牧草種原保存與種原大量繁殖。Survenola 為弗 羅里達州熱帶牧草育種計畫第一個指草雜交品種釋出,染色體數為 54,六倍體,主要以 走莖(stolon)進行營養繁殖。將 Survenola 的未成熟花穗經適當消毒後,培養於含有 2,4-D (2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid)與細胞分裂素 BA(N6-benzyladenine)不同濃度組合之 MS(Murashige and Skoog)培養基,探討細胞分裂素對 Survenola 癒合組織誘導率及植 株再生率之影響。未成熟花穗培養於 2.0 mg L-1 2,4-D 與 1.0 mg L-1 BA 的培養基,白色 緊密癒合組織的誘導率為 90.0 %。將誘導的癒合組織,移至含有 0.5 m L-1 NAA 及 0.1 mg L-1 TDZ 的 MS 培養基,其中 2.0 mg L-1 2,4-D 與 1.0 mg L-1 BA 誘導的癒合組織有 60.0% 可分化為葉芽,將葉芽移至 1/2 MS 培養基可以促進發根,將發根幼苗移至田間盆 栽種植,其外表形態正常。根據本試驗結果,建立 Survenola 未成熟花穗植株組織培養系 統,將有助於後續種苗之大量繁殖與品種保存之研究。


The objective of this study was to develop an efficient plant regeneration system from immature inflorescences of digitgrass ‘Survenola’ to preserve the variety and mass production. Digitgrass ‘Survenola’ (Digitaria × umfolozi Hall) is the first hybrid digitgrass to be released from Florida’s tropical grass breeding program with this genus. It is propagated vegetative by stolon hexploid with 6x = 54 chromosome. Explants were cultured in MS (Murashige and Skoog) medium supplemented with different concentrations of 2,4-D ( 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid ) and BA (N6-benzyladenine). The effects of BA on callus induction frequency and morphology were examined. The frequency of white and compact callus induced were 90.0% on MS medium with 1.0 mg L-1 BA and 2 mg L-1 2,4-D. For plant regeneration, calli were cultured on MS medium with 0.5 mg L-1 NAA and 0.1 mg L-1 TDZ. The shoot regenerated frequency of callus induced with 2.0 mg L-1 2,4-D and 1.0 mg L-1 BA were 60.0 %. The shoots were cultured on 1/2 MS for rooting and then transfer to pot. The morphology of plants was normally and vigorously. The culture system for plant regeneration of ‘Survenola’ digitgrass will be very useful for mass propagation and variety reserved.

