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篇名 飼糧中添加發酵大豆產物對豬隻生長性能之影響
卷期 46增刊
並列篇名 Effect of dietary fermented soybean meal on growth performance in pigs.
作者 林傳順李筱仙陳夢汝林怡君
頁次 220-220
關鍵字 發酵大豆產物生長豬保育豬Fermented soybean mealGrowing pigsWeaning pigs
出刊日期 201712


飼料中蛋白質來源以大豆粕為主要原料,利用發酵技術發酵大豆粕,降解大豆粕 中抗營養因子,同時產生大豆胜肽蛋白或微生物代謝物,以提升家畜禽對飼料中 蛋白質原料的消化與吸收利用。本試驗目的飼糧中添加發酵大豆產物,評估對保 育及生長豬之生長性能。試驗分成 2 組,將 32 頭離乳仔豬隨機分配成,一般大 豆粕對照組及發酵大豆粕產物組,每處理組有 4 欄,每欄飼養 4 頭離乳仔豬。 試驗為期 12 週,紀錄試驗期間豬隻體重、飼料採食量及飼料利用效率。結果顯 示,發酵後大豆產物能降解抗營養因子含量、促進豬隻飼料採食量與提高日增重, 顯示以發酵技術可提升豬隻對大豆蛋白質的消化,吸收和利用。


Soybean meal is the important protein source of animal feeds. Fermented soybean meal is able to degrade soybean anti-nutritional factors by fermentation process. Simultaneously, the fermented soybean meal contains soybean peptide and microbial metabolites, in this process, it would be improving the utilization of raw materials in livestock. This study was to investigate the effects of fermented soybean meal on growth performance in weaning pigs and growing pigs. Thirty-two weaning pigs were divided into two treatments: soybean meal group (control) and fermented soybean meal group. There were 4 pens per treatment and 4 pigs in each pen. The study period was 12 weeks, body weight, feed intake and feed efficiency were measured. The results showed that fermentation could degrade anti-nutritional factors in soybean meal. Feeding fermented soybean meal improved the appetite and increased, average daily gain. As the result, it shows the fermentation would improve the soybean meal utilization in pigs.

