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篇名 評估美國小型豬飼料配方對蘭嶼豬生長性能與血液性狀的影響
卷期 46增刊
並列篇名 Evaluation of the effects of American miniature pig feed formula on growth performance and blood traits of Lanyuan pigs
作者 劉芳爵
頁次 222-222
關鍵字 生長性能蘭嶼豬營養濃度Growth performanceLanyuan pigNutrient concentration
出刊日期 201712


本試驗目的評估美國小型豬飼料配方對蘭嶼豬之飼養效果。試驗採用體重7 kg之蘭嶼 豬仔豬 30 頭,公母各半,分為 3 組,每組 10 頭,比較美國小型豬推薦飼料配方 (USDA 1160)與增加或減少 10% 營養濃度對蘭嶼豬生長性狀與血液性狀的影響。 試驗分為 5 階段,分別為開始日– 2、2 – 6、6 – 10、10 – 12 與 12 – 16 週,依序每 日餵飼每頭試驗豬 240、300、340、380 與 420 g 飼糧,當豬隻體重達 25 kg時結束 試驗。試驗結果顯示,蘭嶼豬體重於 7 - 16 kg 階段,每日飼糧餵飼量在 240 - 340 g, 餵飼 USAD 1160與增或減 10% 的營養濃度,對蘭嶼豬的日增重沒有顯著影響。當蘭 嶼豬體重於 16 - 25 kg 階段,每日飼糧餵飼量在 340 – 420 g,餵飼 UDSA 1160 的營 養濃度,即可滿足蘭嶼豬維持正常生長所需的營養需要。另外,USAD 1160 與增加或 減 10% 營的養濃度,並沒有顯著影響蘭嶼豬的血液性狀。綜合前述,當蘭嶼豬體重 介於 7–25 kg 階段,可分成 5 個飼養階段,並依照每日餵飼量,以 USAD 1160 飼 料配方餵飼應該可滿足蘭嶼豬的營養需要。


The purpose of this study was to evaluate the feeding effect of American miniature pig feed formula in Lanyuan pigs. A total of 30 hd of Lanyuan pigs (in half male and in half female) at the average weight of 7 kg were divided into 3 groups and in each group feeding 10 hd pig. Feeding diets containing American miniature pig recommended feed formula (USDA 1160) and increased or decrease by 10% nutrient concentration. The Feeding schedule and levels were respectively starting day - 2, 2 - 6, 6 - 10, 10 - 12 and 12 - 16 weeks and each pig respectively fed with 240, 300, 340, 380 and 420 g of trial diets every day, and while pigs bodyweight at the average weight of 25 kg were ended. The results showed that at 240 - 340 g daily feeding amount between USAD 1160 nutrient concentration and increase 10% nutrient concentration were not significant difference in average daily gain of Lanyuan pigs, when pigs’ bodyweight were from 7 to 16 kg stage. The pigs’ body weight were from 16 to 25 kg stage and the daily feeding amount at 340 – 420g, using with UDSA 1160 of nutrient concentration could meet the Lanyuan pigs to maintain the normal growth performance. Feeding with USDA 1160 and increased or decreased by 10% nutrient concentration did not significantly different in blood traits of Lanyuan pigs. Conclusion of previous results hinted that while the Lanyuan pigs weighing from 7 to 25 kg stage divided into five feeding stage and in accordance with the daily feeding level with USAD 1160 dietary formula, should be able to satisfy their nutritional requirement.

