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篇名 日糧蛋白質濃度對女羊生長、養分消化與血液性狀之影響
卷期 46增刊
並列篇名 Effect of dietary protein level on growth, nutrient utilization, and blood traits in goat does
作者 吳俊賢劉璦寧許琪曼吳明川李采庭楊价民
頁次 226-226
關鍵字 女羊高蛋白質日糧氮利用Goat doesHigh protein dietNitrogen utilization
出刊日期 201712


女羊有高度的生長養分需求,本試驗評估日糧蛋白質含量對女羊生長、養分消化 及血液性狀之影響。使用8 隻乳用種雜交女羊(39.7±6.2 公斤),限食餵給(乾物 質採食量,體重1.6%)低蛋白質(CP12 %,n=4) 或高蛋白質(CP16 %,n=4) 日糧(百慕達草稈:精=1:1 )。女羊依照體重逢機分配至處理組。試驗為期兩 個月,期間每日紀錄羊隻飲水量,並於試驗開始與結束量測羊隻體重,最後七天 收集羊隻全糞與全尿;最後一天上午飼餵前與飼餵後2 小時,進行頸靜脈採血。 結果顯示,羊隻飼餵高蛋白質的日糧,在日增重有較高的趨勢(P =0.07),中洗 纖維之消化率較高(P < 0.05);血液尿素氮提高(P < 0.01),血液肌酸酐則 較低(P < 0.01)。尿液尿素氮、可消化蛋白與滯留氮較高(P < 0.05)。整體 而言,女羊餵飼高蛋白日糧,提高中洗纖維消化率與氮滯留,並有促進增重之趨 勢。


Goat does have a high nutrient demand for growth. This study evaluated effect of protein feeding level on doe performance. Eight crossbred dairy goat does (39.7±6.2 kg) were limited-fed (1.6% BW) a basal diet, low protein (CP12%, n=4) or high protein (CP16%, n=4) diet (bermudagrass straw : concentrate = 1 : 1). Does were assigned to treatments at random by body weight. The trail lasted for 2 months, with water intake recorded daily. The last seven days were for total collection of feces and urine. On the last day, jugular vein blood was withdrawn before (0 h) and 2 h after the morning feeding. The result showed that does on high protein diet tended (P = 0.07) to gain more. Total tract digestibility of neutral detergent fiber was increased (P < 0.05) with high protein feeding. Blood urea nitrogen was elevated (P < 0.01), but creatinine reduced (P < 0.01) when more protein was fed. Does given more protien resulted in higher (P < 0.05) digestible protein intake, urine urea N output, and retained N. Overall, goat does fed high protein diet showed some improvement in performance.

