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篇名 複合型添加劑於玉米青貯品質提昇之應用
卷期 46增刊
並列篇名 The application of complex additive on quality improvement of corn silage
作者 張友義白崇智蘇和平石芳其林佑諭王翰聰
頁次 228-228
關鍵字 玉米青貯濃縮糖蜜發酵液乳酸菌Corn silageCondensed molasses fermentation solubles Lactic acid bacteria
出刊日期 201712


本試驗旨在探討具有黴菌毒素降解能力之同質發酵乳酸菌(Lactobacillus plantarum B2, LB2)與提 升青貯產品中乙酸濃度之異質發酵乳酸菌產品(LALSIL Fresh LB, LAS),搭配濃縮糖蜜發酵液 (condensed molasses fermentation solubles, CMS)接種於青割玉米之利用性。試驗以青割玉米為原 料分為(1)控制組、(2)3.5% CMS 組、(3)LB2(1x109 cfu/kg)組、(4)LB2(1x109 cfu/kg)+ 3.5% CMS 組、(5)LAS(3x108 cfu/kg)組、(6)LAS(3x108cfu/kg)+ 3.5% CMS 組、(7)LB2 (1x109 cfu/kg)+ LAS(3x108 cfu/kg)組和(8)LB2(1x109 cfu/kg)+ LAS(3x108 cfu/kg)+ 3.5% CMS 組, 進行為期 90 天之青貯試驗後,評估其成品組成分與好氣穩定性。試驗結果顯示,同時添加兩種乳 酸菌和 CMS 對玉米青貯之 pH 值,乙酸濃度和揮發性脂肪酸總含量有極顯著的交感效應(P < 0.01)。顯示所使用之添加劑在青貯過程中,能迅速降低 pH 值及降低黴菌與酵母菌數,將酵母菌 數由 5.5 cfu/g 降至 2.0 cfu/g 以下。單獨添加 LAS 菌的處理組(5)和所有添加物混合之處理組(8), 於發酵結束時與控制組相比,可顯著提升乙酸濃度 3% 以上(P < 0.01),顯示同時添加乳酸菌 與 CMS 能顯著提升乙酸含量,來抑制黴菌與酵母菌的產生,並進一步延長青貯開封後的好氣穩 定性長達 60 小時以上。


The aim of this study was to investigate the application of homofermentative lactic acid bacteria with mycotoxin degradation ability (Lactobacillus plantarum B2, LB2) and the heterofermentation lactic acid bacteria (LALSIL Fresh LB, LAS) with increasing acetic acid production on ensiling of forage corn. The additive effect of condensed molasses fermentation solubles (CMS) inoculation was determined at the same time. Forage corn materials were divided into eight treatment groups including (1) control, (2) 3.5% CMS, (3) LB2 (1x109 cfu/kg), (4) LB2 (1x109 cfu/kg) + 3.5% CMS, (5) LAS (3x108 cfu/kg), (6) LAS (3x108 cfu/kg) + 3.5% CMS, (7) LB2 (1x109 cfu/kg) + LAS (3x108 cfu/kg), and (8) LB2 (1x109 cfu/kg) + LAS(3x108 cfu/kg) + 3.5% CMS. The composition and aerobic stability of silage was evaluated after ensiling for 90 days. The product assay result indicated that the supplementation of two lactic acid bacteria and CMS showed significant interaction effect (P < 0.01) on pH value, acetic acid and total volatile fatty acid concentration. It suggested that the inoculant reduced the pH quickly and inhibited the growth of mold and yeast. The yeast count decreased from 5.5 cfu/g to 2.0 cfu/g. The treatment (5) and (8) increased the acetic acid concentration over 3% (P < 0.01). It suggested that the supplementation of lactic acid bacteria with CMS increased the acetic acid concentration and inhibited the growth of mold and yeast. Furthermore, it also improvement the aerobic stability up to 60 hours after the opening of silage.

