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篇名 漸進或急遽離乳對高量餵乳仔羊斷乳後生長表現之影響
卷期 46增刊
並列篇名 Effect of gradual or abrupt weaning on growth performance of weaned goat kids previously fed high amounts of milk
作者 李采庭王琦徐于捷葉遠翎謝曉鈴陳俐媚楊价民
頁次 229-229
關鍵字 山羊離乳方法斷乳後生長GoatsPostweaning growthWeaning method
出刊日期 201712


仔羊出生後人工高量餵乳,可以促進生長速率。然而,大量餵乳會增加仔羊離乳轉換適應難度, 可能導致仔羊在斷乳後生長遲緩。本試驗使用 13 隻乳用種雜交仔羊(出生體重 3.1±0.6 kg), 於 1 週齡開始高量餵乳,限食於每週體重的 20%,滿 6 週齡後,固定於 6 週齡體重的 20%。 仔羊於 14 週齡斷乳,試驗比較漸進(12 週齡開始,n=6)或急遽(13 週齡開始,n=7)離乳,對 仔羊斷乳後生長、飼料效率與血液性狀之影響。固體飼料同樣以限食飼餵,教槽精料於仔羊滿 1週齡開始,依照體重百分比逐週增加餵飼量。滿 7 週齡開始,依照體重百分比逐週增加餵飼 芻料百慕達草稈。仔羊依照 1 至 6 週齡之每日增重分組,逢機分配至處裡組。試驗期間每日 記錄仔羊採食量,每週量測體重,並於斷乳後一週(15 週齡),採血分析血液生化值。結果顯 示,兩組仔羊斷乳後(14~20 週齡)之體重、每日增重與飼料效率沒有差異。斷乳後一週的血液 性狀數值在兩組之間相似,且介於正常生理數值範圍。高量餵乳仔羊漸進或急遽離乳,對斷乳 後生長與血液性狀沒有影響。


High levels of artificial milk feeding enhance weight gain of new born goat kids. However, high-milk feeding incurs difficulty in adapting to weaning transition, and may lead to retarded growth after kids were weaned. This trial used cross-bred dairy goat kids (n=13, birth weight=3.1±0.6 kg). Beginning at age 1 week, kids were restrictedly fed high amounts of milk at 20% of weekly body weight. After age 6 weeks, milk feeding level was held constant since at 20% of body weight at age of 6 weeks. Kids were weaned at age 14 weeks and compared by gradual (age 12 week, n=6) or abrupt (age 13 weeks, n=7) weaning in relationship to growth after kids were weaned. Solids feed was also fed restrictedly. Kids began starter feeding at age 1 week, and amounts were increased by body weight percent. Forage bermudagrass straw was fed by age 7 weeks, also with incremental level by percentage of body weight. Kids were randomly assigned, by average daily gain up to age 6 weeks, to treatments. Feed intake was recorded daily, and body weight was determined weekly during the trial. Blood samples were taken for biological analysis at 1 week after kids were weaned (age 15 weeks). The results showed no differences in body weight, daily gain and feed efficiency between treatments after kids were weaned (age 14~20 weeks). Plasma traits at 1 week after kids were weaned did not differ between treatments and were within normal physiological ranges. Gradual or abrupt weaning in high-milk feeding goat kids had no effect on growth and blood traits after kids were weaned.

