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篇名 利用腸道細胞膜型篩選具有促進銅吸收的物質
卷期 46增刊
並列篇名 Screening and evaluation of the potential compounds for enhancing copper absorption by Caco-2 cell model
作者 王毓瑄劉嚞睿
頁次 230-230
關鍵字 銅吸收Caco-2 細胞模型有機銅化合物Copper absorptionCaco-2 cell modelOrganically complexed copper
出刊日期 201712


飼料中添加銅具有促進豬隻生長表現的效果,然而,將近 90% 的銅未受吸收利用而隨 糞便排出,蓄積於土壤造成環境汙染。本試驗利用 Caco-2(the human colon carcinoma cell line)細胞模型模擬物質在腸道的吸收,以探討多種有機銅化合物是否具有促進銅吸收之 效果。試驗中測試之物質包括:銅-胺基酸複合物 Cu-Lys 與 Cu-Met、類黃酮 (flavonoid)化合物 rutin 與 quercetin、乳鐵蛋白(lactoferrin),以及酵母菌銅金屬硫 蛋白(metallothionine)CUP1 等,另以市售產品 Zincpro 之 Availa-Cu 100 與傳統添 加的硫酸銅(CuSO4)做為對照組。將上述測試物質分別加入含有 Caco-2 單層細胞之 內槽,培養兩個小時後,收集內槽及外槽之溶液,以感應耦合電漿原子發射光譜儀 (Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectrometry, ICP-OES)進行定量。本研究 將篩選具有促進銅吸收的物質,期望能達到兼顧豬生產效能及生態保護之目標。


High level of copper sulfate (CuSO4) is typically supplemented to swine diets as a growth promoter. However, because of the low absorption of Cu, nearly 90% of dietary Cu is excreted into the manure and results in the accumulation of Cu in the soil. The aim of this study is to establish an in vitro Cu absorption model to screen the Cu-absorption enhanced compounds, including copper amino acid chelates (such as Cu-Lys and Cu-Met), copper-chelating flavonoids (such as rutin and quercetin), and metal-binding proteins (such as lactoferrin and yeast metallothionein CUP1). The human colon carcinoma cell line (Caco-2) is employed to evaluate the Cu-absorption efficiency. Through this study, we hope to screen out the Cu-absorption enhanced compounds and demonstrate that the organically complexed copper can enhance Cu absorption.

