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篇名 中藥經枯草桿菌發酵之抗氧化能力評估
卷期 46增刊
並列篇名 Determination of antioxidant activity of Chinese herbal medicines fermented by Bacillus subtilis
作者 黃晨瑀劉嚞睿
頁次 233-233
關鍵字 抗氧化能力枯草桿菌中藥Antioxidant activityBacillus subtilisChinese herbal medicines
出刊日期 201712


中藥已被證實具有免疫調節、抗氧化等功效,且經發酵後可提升中藥療效。本研究旨在將中藥 以枯草桿菌發酵,評估抗氧化能力。枯草桿菌 AC 於 37°C,培養 24 小時,生長曲線菌數達 9.1 ( log CFU/ mL ), 與具有清熱解毒之中藥培養 24 小時後, 以清除 DPPH (1,1-Diphenyl-2-Picrylhydrazyl)自由基能力與清除氫氧自由基能力(TBARS)作為測定抗氧 化能力之指標。此外,利用高效液相層析法分析中藥發酵前後活性成分含量變化。在細胞模型 方面,選用人類胚肺成纖維細胞 MRC-5,以過氧化氫誘導細胞早期衰老,再以流氏細胞儀分 析細胞週期。結果顯示,在清除 DPPH 自由基能力方面,梔子、黃芩、菊花、柴胡在發酵後 均有提升自由基清除率,而在 TBARS 分析方面,只有梔子、黃芩具有顯著提升清除率(P < 0.05)。高效液相層析法分析方面,梔子之活性成分梔子苷被轉化代謝成梔子藍;黃芩之活性 成分黃芩苷經發酵後提升其含量;柴胡之活性成分柴胡皂苷 A 經發酵後提升其含量。綜上所 述,中藥經枯草桿菌發酵可提升活性成分,提升抗氧化能力。


Chinese herbal medicines have been confirmed that they possess the activity of immunomodulation and anti-oxidation. Fermentation can improve the efficacy of Chinese herbal medicines. The objective of this study is to determine the antioxidant activity of Chinese herbal medicines fermented by Bacillus subtilis. In this study, B. subtilis AC was incubated at 37 °C, the growth curve showed B. subtilis AC entered 9.1 (log CFU/ ml) at 24 h, and further incubated with Chinese herbal medicines for 24 h. Antioxidant activity was measured by DPPH radical photometric assay and deoxyribose assay. In addition, the active ingredients of Chinese herbal medicines before and after fermentation were analyzed by using HPLC. For in vitro study, MRC-5 cells were treated with H2O2 to establish premature senescence cellular model, and the cell cycle was analyzed by flow cytometry. The results indicated that the DPPH scavenging activities of Gardenia jasminoides, Scutellaria baicalensis, Chrysanthemum morifolium, and Bupleurum chinense were elevated by fermentation. For TBARS assay, only Gardenia jasminoides and Scutellaria baicalensis showed significantly difference after fermentation (P < 0.05). For HPLC assay, geniposide was transformed into blue pigments by fermentation. Furthermore, the contents of baicalin and saikosaponin A were elevated by fermentation. In conclusion, the active ingredients and the antioxidant activity of Chinese herbal medicines can be improved by fermentation.

