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篇名 感應耦合電漿原子放射質譜儀於雞肉中砷含量分析之應用
卷期 46增刊
並列篇名 Application of inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry in Arsenic analysis for chicken meat
作者 洪靖崎戴永萍
頁次 236-236
關鍵字 雞肉感應耦合電漿原子放射質譜儀ArsenicChicken meatICP/MS
出刊日期 201712


感應耦合電漿原子放射質譜儀(ICP/MS)之檢測原理是將酸解後樣品霧化再進入經高頻 磁場感應後之高溫電漿,將分析物變成原子態分析離子,進入質譜儀分析,可一次檢測多 種元素。砷之檢測容易受到樣品萃取溫度及基質干擾,本試驗以 ICP-MS 偵測雞肉中之 砷含量,結果顯示儀器偵測極限為 4 ppt,方法偵測極限為 0.132 ppb,標準曲線相關係數 為 1.000。比較不同萃取方法,以微波消化及灰化加熱分析雞肉砷含量分別為 46.2、40.6 ppb,以 50 ppb 進行回收率測試結果分別為 94.8% 及 67.2%,變異係數 9.12%,以微波 消化砷回收率較高。高鹽基質對雞肉中砷檢驗之結果顯示,雞肉樣品中添加 0.3% NaCl, 萃取後雞肉樣品後以不稀釋方式直接以 ICP-MS 檢測,偵測極限為 5 ppt,回收率為 114.02%,綜上所述,感應耦合電漿原子放射質譜儀在雞肉中砷含量分析可用微波消化萃 取方法於高鹽基質進行檢測。


Theory of measuring of elements by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP/MS) is using high-temperature plasma to excite the atomic state of the digested sample. ICP-MS used to measure multi-elements within a signal time of the instrumental analysis. Arsenic detection is susceptible to extraction temperature and matrix interference. The results of the arsenic method by ICP-MS showed that the instrument detection limit was 4 ppt the method detection limit was 0.132 ppb, and the correlation coefficient of the standard curve was 1.000. Comparison of different extraction methods of arsenic, the contents of arsenic in chicken was 46.2 and 40.6 ppb respectively by microwave digestion and ash method. The recoveries were 95.8% and 67.2%, respectively. The coefficient of variation was 9.12% and showed that the microwave digestion of arsenic recovery rate is higher than the ash method. The results of arsenic analysis of chicken meat in more upper salt matrix showed that the samples were extracted with 0.3% NaCl and were detected by ICP-MS without dilution. The method detection limit was 0.22 ppb, and the recovery was 114.02%. In summary, arsenic analysis of chicken meat by ICPMS can be carried out using microwave digestion extraction method in the high salt matrix.

