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篇名 不同菇類副產物對仔羊生長及免疫力之影響
卷期 46增刊
並列篇名 Effects of addition of mushroom head in diets of goat kids on the growth performance and immune response
作者 施柏齡范耕榛李宗育李滋泰陳美杏李春芳
頁次 242-242
關鍵字 仔羊生長性能蒂頭Goat kidsGrowth performanceMushroom head
出刊日期 201712


植生素是目前全球努力降低抗菌性的替代飼料添加物之一,本試驗旨在探討兩種菇類 副產物(蒂頭)對提升仔羊生長及免疫力之影響。將 4 週齡哺乳中阿爾拜因或撒能 仔羊 40 頭分至 4 個飼糧處理組,進行 12 週試驗。於試驗前 4 週(4~8 週齡), 每日繼續分 2 次提供仔羊共 1 L 代用乳(15% 代乳粉),全期精料與飲水任飼。對 照組以玉米-大豆粕精料為基礎飼糧,不添加蒂頭,試驗組則分別於精料中添加烘乾粉 碎之 3% 杏鮑菇蒂頭、3% 金針菇蒂頭或杏鮑菇蒂頭及金針菇蒂頭各 1.5%。全期試 驗得知,採食添加兩種蒂頭各 1.5% 組飼糧羊隻的增重顯著高於對照組(P < 0.05), 但四組仔羊的飼料採食量與飼料轉換率表現均相近。在 9~12 週試驗期間,採食 3% 金針菇蒂頭及兩種蒂頭各 1.5% 組兩組飼糧仔羊,下痢指數明顯較對照組為低(P < 0.05);於試驗第 4 週及第 12 週的採血,添加蒂頭組的仔羊血液中 IgM 濃度,均明 顯高於對照組(P < 0.05)。試驗結果顯示,添加蒂頭有明顯改善仔羊生長與免疫力的 效果,同時金針菇與杏鮑菇蒂頭混用更有加成效果。


Phytochemicals is one of the major developing feed additives to decrease the antimicrobial resistance. It was aimed to evaluate the effect of adding mushroom by-product (mushrooms head) in diets for dairy goat kids to improve their growth performance and immune response. Two kinds of mushrooms, Pleurotus eryngii and Flammulina velutipes, were selected for their processing wastes (PEH and FVH). Forty 4-wk-old Alpine or Sanna kids were adopted in a 12-wk trial. For the first four weeks, kids continued to receive 1 L of milk replacer everyday in two meals. Feed and water were offered ad libitum. A corn-soybean meal basal diet provide as control. Three treated groups received diets containing 3% of PEH, 3% of FVH, or the mixture of 1.5% PEH and 1.5% of FVH. Results indicated that kids fed the mixed mushroom head diet had the higher weight gain than those from control group (P < 0.05). But the feed intake and feed conversion ratio were all similar among groups. During the 9th and 12th wk, kids fed 3% FVH and mixture diet decreased the diarrhea index than that of control group (P < 0.05). kids fed mushroom head added diets had the higher blood IgM concentration (P < 0.05). In conclusion, supplementation of FVH in diets could effectively improve the growth and immune of kids. Meanwhile, due to the stronger improvement response, mixture of PEH and FVH showed the synergistic effect.

