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篇名 不同溫度下泌乳母豬飼糧中添加甜菜鹼對改善繁殖哺育性能之效果評估
卷期 46增刊
並列篇名 Evaluation of the effect of dietary betaine supplementation on the reproductive performance of lactating sow at different temperature profiles
作者 廖宗文李恒夫楊璻菁
頁次 245-245
關鍵字 甜菜鹼熱緊迫繁殖性能BetaineHeat stressReproductive performance
出刊日期 201712


本試驗旨在評估於不同環境溫度下,泌乳母豬飼糧中添加甜菜鹼對改善繁殖哺育性能的效 果。試驗係為 2 × 2 複因子,即每日循環溫 24~32℃ 和恆溫 25℃,兩種飼糧分為對照 組,使用一般泌乳母豬飼糧,試驗組則於對照組飼糧中添加 0.5% 甜菜鹼,母豬於分娩後 3-5 日移入環控室泌乳母豬分娩架上,哺育仔豬至 28 日齡離乳止,測定母豬於泌乳期體 重及背脂厚度之變化、離乳至再發情間距,以及哺乳仔豬於哺乳期間增重及其育成率等。 試驗結果顯示,飼養於循環溫組母豬之飼料採食量較低,呼吸次數明顯較多,離乳至再發 情間隔也顯著地(P < 0.05)較長,而不同溫度組之仔豬於哺乳期增重及育成率則無顯 著差異。飼糧中添加甜菜鹼與否對泌乳母豬體重及背脂厚度變化,離乳至再發情間距等繁 殖性狀,血液成分皆無顯著影響,仔豬於哺乳期的增重以及育成率也沒有顯著差異。總而 言之,在循環溫 24~32℃ 之狀況下,泌乳母豬飼糧添加 0.5% 甜菜鹼,並無法改善母豬 繁殖性能以及仔豬生長性能。


The aim of this experiment was to evaluate the effect of dietary betaine supplementation on the reproductive performance of lactating sow and growth performance of piglets under different temperature profiles. Experiment was a 2 * 2 factorial with 2 levels of betaine supplementation, o and 0.5%, under two temperature profiles, constant 25℃ and cyclic ambient temperature, 24-32℃. Sows were moved into lactating crate in different environmental chambers at the 3rd - 5th day postfarrowing and nursed the piglets till d28 when piglets were weaned. The body weights and backfat thickness change during lactating period, interval between weaning to estrus of sow, body weight gain and survival rate of piglet during lactating period were used to measure the effect of supplementing betaine under different temperature profiles. Result showed that sows raised under cyclic ambient temperature reduced its feed intake. There were longer (P < 0.05) interval between weaning to estrus and increased respiration rate of sows under cyclic ambient temperature. No difference was observed on the weight gain of piglets during lactating period. The supplementation of betaine in sow diet doesn’t have beneficial effect on the the body weights and backfat thickness change during lactating period, the interval between weaning to estrus of sow, body weight gain and survival rate of piglets during lactating period. In conclusion, there was no effect of dietary supplementation of betaine whether sows was raised under cyclic ambient temperature or constant ambient temperature

