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篇名 黑豬廚餘成份調查
卷期 46增刊
並列篇名 Composition of swill used for pig feeding
作者 金悅祖陳信良湯司菁張生金潘建同林光華
頁次 246-246
關鍵字 黑豬營養成份廚餘Local black pigNutrientSwill
出刊日期 201712


利用養豬來處理廚餘食品殘渣傳統在畜產經營上一直是極普遍且可被接受的方式,可 稱得是最普遍的廚餘資源再利用方式。經檢驗項目包括廚餘樣品及養豬戶使用的補充 單味原料的一般分析。分析結果顯示場內比較,各批廚餘原料之營養成份不同造成補 充原料調配方式不同。各場廚餘成品平均水份 83.35%-87.28%、平均粗蛋白 2.81%-3.88%、平均粗脂肪 4.04%-6.33%、平均粗纖維 0.64%-0.75% 及平均粗灰份 0.84%-1.19%。而這些營養份以乾基表示依序為 22.09%-23.30%、31.76 %-38.02%、 4.5%-5.03% 及 5.05%-9.36%。顯示以乾基計算廚餘中營養濃度較NRC 建議者更高。 靠近都會區或食品加工場及賣場區域,豬場的廚餘「原料」種類變化較多,依各種原 料之種類,其配製程序需要注重較多之平衡條件,調配以取得原料之比例。近學校或 營區、餐館、小吃攤或醫院等地區則其材料變異較大,且營養成份會隨節令變化。有 鑑於來源的不定性,以短期檢驗無法得知完整的廚餘營養成份資訊。


Use pig as the converter of the kitchen swill has been adopted as a traditional way and been accepted on the operation of back yard pig raising and been regarded as the most common way of resource cycling of swill. The tested swill included general house and restaurant kitchen swill as well as those materials expired shelf life from food companies and supermarkets. The results of analysis showed that the nutrients were varied from differ resources. The average range of water content was 83.35% to 87.28%,that of crude protein was 2.81% to 3.88%, crude fat was ranged 4.04% to 6.33%, the crude fiber was 0.64% to 0.75%, the average crude ash was 0.84% to 1.19%.and those of dry base were 22.09% to 23.30%, 31.76% to 38.02%, 4.5% to 5.03% and 5.05% to 9.36% respectively. These shown the domestic black pig farmers actually gave their pigs higher density nutrients exceed NRC requirement suggestions in dry matter base. Pig farm close to the metropolitan area or food processing market, the store closer, get the "raw materials" changes in more types. The more variety of raw materials, the preparation process need to pay more attention on the nutrient balancing. However, to a more thoroughly state a short-term test could not reflect the complete nutritional information.

